Pro: You can have a fishing contest from the couch in your living room.
Con: Your couch doesn't float.

Pro: No better time to wash the siding of your house.
Con: Ring around the house.

Pro: Water skiing in the street.
Con: Stop signs and cars that are barely covered.

Pro: Sun tanning on the roof of your house is cool.
Con: Sleeping there stinks.

Pro: Washing dishes just got easier.
Con: All your food is underwater too.

Pro: You can practice your diving skills...
Con: ...until you hit that small awning over your back door.

Pro: You can finally reach those dead branches.
Con: Now you just have to find the tree trimmer.

Pro: You can finally slam dunk.
Con: You have to dive to the basket.

Pro: "Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known." - Pooh

Con: Bridge slipping along with river.

JC here! Would you please take a moment and fill out the form to the left? I'm going to be making a new site and I'd appreciate your help on discovering the top jokes. Thank you much!

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This page was last updated on 2002.07.04 by JC Reagan.