Good News: You baptized seven people today in the river. Bad News: You lost two of them in the swift current. Good News: The Women's Missionary Union voted to send you a get-well card. Bad News: The vote passed 31-30. Good News: The Deacon Board accepted your job description the way you wrote it. Bad News: They were so inspired by it, they also formed a search committee to find somebody capable of filling that position. Good News: You finally found a choir director who approaches things exactly the same way you do. Bad News: The choir mutinied. Good News: Mrs. Jones is wild about your sermons. Bad News: Mrs. Jones is also wild about the "Gong Show," "Beavis and Butt-head" and "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre." Good News: The trustees finally voted to add more church parking. Bad News: They are going to blacktop the front lawn of your parsonage. Good News: Church attendance rose dramatically the last three weeks. Bad News: You were on vacation. Good News: Your biggest critic just left your church. Bad News: He has been appointed the District Supervisor of your denomination's region. Good News: The youth in your church come to your house for a surprise visit. Bad News: It's in the middle of the night and they are armed with toilet paper and shaving cream to "decorate" your house. |
JC here! Would you please take a moment and fill out the form to the left? I'm going to be making a new site and I'd appreciate your help on discovering the top jokes. Thank you much! |
This page was last updated on 2002.07.10 by JC Reagan.