That righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard." (2 Peter 2:8) The Christians at Corinth thought that immorality in the church wouldn't affect them, but they were wrong. (1Corinthians 5) NIV.
Music, we live it, fall in love with it, and treasure it. We sing our favorite songs over and over in our heads. We remember loved ones and ones we are currently in love with by these tunes. So with songs begin such a high point in our lives, we sometimes over look what God wants. I can't find a, 'thy shalt not listen to Offspring, or Master P' in the Bible, but what I did find was a couple of verses that not too many can argue with. The first one being with Lot. Read the verse above, it is fairly easy to the point to understand. If you hang around bad company and listen to bad stuff your soul will be tormented and some of it will rub off on you.
Ok maybe that didn't faze you or you're still thinking, "but it won't effect me." Let's look at the second verse. Now if fellow Brothers and Sisters are struck with immorality in their own church, and fail, now that's a problem. Even if we think we are stronger than that, we are not. I have been listening to Christian music for a while and I have noticed a major change in my attitude and daily life. Instead of walking down the hallways humming, "Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh." Try singing, "Shine, let it shine before all men." You might be surprised at your outlook on life.
We sometimes get so caught up in our music, we don't even realize what we are singing. I'm not saying if you don't stop this second your going to hell, but sit back. Let's try praying about it. I believe in your heart you know what is right and what is not. Not only will changing the type of music help your social life, but will also help with your with our Savior.
Try going to the local Christian Book Store and check out some CD’s, or visit our online Christian CD store! The Christian music industry has gone way up in the past few years, and even the secular music stores carry them. If you are having trials with keeping your faith or staying close to God look at a few aspects of your life, then pray. Not just on music, but on anything that could be put into question. Remember I do not own my life, when I was saved I gave it to Him. So don't give half of your life but give it all, and one of those is music. May peace be with you.
By: Tony B. Rhoda of
Teen Daily Devotions Ministries
This is so true! People, don't fill your mind with garbage! Listen to uplifting songs that encourage you in your walk with Christ. In Christ, JC.