I cannot say, "OUR", if I have no room in my life for others and their needs.

I cannot say, "FATHER", if I do not demonstrate this relationship in my daily living.

I cannot say, "WHO ART IN HEAVEN", if all my interests and pursuits are in earthly things.

I cannot say, "HALLOWED BE THY NAME", if I, who am called to bear His name, am not holy.

I cannot say, "THY KINGDOM COME", if I am unwilling to give up my own sovereignty and accept the righteous reign of God.

I cannot say, "THY WILL BE DONE", if I am unwilling or resentful of having God's will in my life.

I cannot say, "ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN", unless I am truly ready to give myself to His service here and now.

I cannot say, "GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD", without expending honest effort for it, or by ignoring the genuine needs of others.

I cannot say, "FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US", if I continue to harbor a grudge against anyone.

I cannot say, "LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION", if I deliberately choose to remain in a situation where I am likely to be tempted.

I cannot say, "DELIVER US FROM EVIL", if I am not prepared to fight in the spiritual realm with the ultimate weapon of prayer.

I cannot say, "THINE IS THE KINGDOM", if I do not give the kind of disciplined obedience of a loyal subject.

I cannot say, "THINE IS THE POWER", if I fear what my neighbors may say or do.

I cannot say, "FOREVER", if I am too anxious about each day's events.

I cannot say, "AMEN", unless I can honestly say, "cost what it may, this is my prayer."

You may be the only God, Bible, and Jesus people may ever see. Act wisely and appropriately and in all things no matter how insignificant they may seem, give Him the glory He deserves.

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