27. Joseph Jacob3 Baker (Joseph Winfield2, Joseph1) was born in White Twp Apr 23, 1898.

He married Emma Catherine Griffith. Emma was born in Homer City, Pa Apr 18, 1901. Joe worked in a clothing store for Emanuel Buchman, later worked in the pattern shop of Marshall Foundry Blacklick, Pa. Once employed as yard foreman, Homer City Incubator factory. Was employed as pattern maker Conemaugh Iron works. Most of his life has been spent working for Mr. C.Cunningham and the Westmorland Mining Co. as a civil engineer. I will never know how he accomplished this, having sight in one eye only. Especially the blueprints.

Kate, daughter of E.B. and Martha Griffith, was born in Homer City, grew up and went to school there with her sisters and the Kunkle girls, coming to Blairsville in 1922 when she married Joe. She must have had some fun taking her gang to Homer city on the streetcar to visit Grandma and Grandad Griffith.

Joseph Jacob Baker and Emma Catherine Griffith had the following children:

child 58 i. Arthur Melvin (Art)4 Baker was born on (birth date unknown).

child + 59 ii. Martha Caroline (Tiny) Baker was born Oct 1922.

child + 60 iii. Joseph G. (Joe) Baker was born June 1924.

child + 61 iv. Ronald Eugene (Pete) Baker was born Jan 14, 1926.

child + 62 v. Willaim Clarence (Tass) Baker was born Dec 18, 1927.

child + 63 vi. Raymond Fredick (Andy) Baker was born Feb 1931.

child + 64 vii. Margaret Lou (Peg) Baker was born Feb 1934.

child + 65 viii. Edgar Allen (Ed) Baker was born June 1936.

child 66 ix. Dorothey Katherine (Dot) Baker was born Mar 1939. Dot is a graduate of Indiana University of Pa. She teaches senior high English in Mansfield Ohio. Dot has one adopted daughter, Lori.

child + 67 x. Edith Mae (Edie) Baker was born Mar 1941.

child + 68 xi. Mildred Jane (Mid) Baker was born Mar 1943.

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