From the album Opportunity.
There've been times when I have stumbled over my mistakes.
Now I can take this pressure that you think you're handing down,
Opportunity is for the taking,
Now if the cup had really not been meant to pass to me
Opportunity is for the taking,
There've been times when I have stumbled over my mistakes.
Opportunity is for the taking,
Song List
Site design ©1998 by James Douglas Tubbs.
There've been times when I have fallen flat on my face.
But you tell me there's never been a day like that for you,
Then I'll stop and listen to what you think I should do.
So take off the robe, and put the gavel down.
Cause nothin' changes in this life but everything, my friend.
Don't come cryin' 'bout today because of what has been.
Look inside yourself, you'll see.
Then go clean up your own back yard,
Leave my yard to me!
Surely I would not presume to drink.
Ah, but there they are, and they're reachin' out for me.
What else would you have me to think?
Look inside yourself, you'll see.
Then go clean up your own back yard,
Leave my yard to me!
There've been times when I have fallen flat on my face.
But you tell me there's never been a day like that for you,
Then I'll stop and listen to what you think I should do.
Look inside yourself, you'll see.
Then go clean up your own back yard,
Leave my yard to me!
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