Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with C

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C., Harriet (1825-1899)
Calarusso, Micheal (ABT. 1850-ABT. 1910)
Calarusso, Rosa (1876-1959)
Caldwell, Ruth (ABT. 1790-)
Calley, Abiah (ABT. 1720-)
Calley, John (ABT. 1715-)
Calley, Richard (1690-)
Cantrell, Patricia (--living--)
Capasso, Josephine (--living--)
Carey, Mercy (BEF. 1685-)
Carleton, Benjamin (1750-NOV 1833)
Carleton, Benjamin (4 JAN 1790-)
Carleton, David (13 DEC 1785-1860)
Carleton, Hannah (2 FEB 1787-)
Carleton, John (18 AUG 1794-)
Carleton, Miner (16 SEP 1788-)
Carleton, Paul Thurston (10 JAN 1792-)
Carpenter, Elizabeth (1750-)
Carpenter, John (1720-)
Carreau, Louise (ABT. 1640-ABT. 1700)
Carreau, Marguerite (ABT. 1670-ABT. 1730)
Carter, Abigail (10 AUG 1649-)
Carter, Judith (ABT. 1642-)
Carter, Mary (24 JUL 1648-ABT. 1688)
Carter, Samuel (8 AUG 1640-)
Carter, Thomas (1610-5 SEP 1684)
Carter, Timothy (12 JUN 1653-)
Case, Helen (--living--)
Cass, Hannah (-)
Cass, John (ABT. 1685-)
Cass, Joseph (-)
Cass, Mary (-)
Castell, Christina (ABT. 1700-)
Caswell, Abigail (ABT. 1815-8 MAR 1890)
Catherine, (1610-2 MAY 1678)
Chadbourne, Edward (--living--)
Chadbourne, Gail (--living--)
Chadbourne, Jill (--living--)
Chadbourne, Joan (--living--)
Chadbourne, John Edward (--living--)
Chadwick, Edmund (2 APR 1754-)
Chadwick, Hannah (22 JUN 1752-)
Chadwick, James (1720-)
Chaffin, Eliza (-)
Chaisson, Gilette (-)
Chaisson, Pierre (-)
CHALLIS, Hannah (20 SEP 1675-)
Challis, Lydia (31 MAY 1665-AFT. 1736)
Challis, Mary (ABT. 1665-14 MAY 1697)
CHALLIS, Phillip (ABT. 1630-)
Chapin, Maary (-14 JUN 1687)
Chaplin, Elizabeth (1684-1 MAR 1756)
Chaplin, Jerimiah (1680-17 DEC 1765)
Chaplin, Jonathan (16 FEB 1706/07-)
Chaplin, Joseph (-)
Chaplin, Joseph (-)
Chaplin, Mary (14 AUG 1709-)
Chaplin, Mehitable (14 OCT 1711-)
Chaplin, Mercy (3 APR 1705-)
Chapman, Arthur Bernie (23 AUG 1878-)
Chapman, Charles Bernie (-)
Chapman, Edward (1710-)
Chapman, Harriet (8 SEP 1813-23 FEB 1858)
Charretier), Adelaide Chartier (or (-)
Chartier, John Baptiste (-)
Chase, (1570-UNKNOWN)
Chase, Abigail (27 MAR 1709-)
Chase, Abner (15 OCT 1699-)
Chase, Abraham (1651-)
Chase, Ann (11 JAN 1677/78-)
Chase, Ann (6 JUL 1647-)
Chase, Anne (6 JUL 1647-)
Chase, Anne (11 FEB 1706/07-)
Chase, Aquila (15 JUL 1688-)
Chase, Aquila (-)
Chase, Aquila (26 SEP 1652-)
Chase, Aquila (ABT. 1618-29 AUG 1670)
Chase, Aquila (1618-27 DEC 1670)
Chase, Aquilla (26 SEP 1652-)
Chase, Benjamin (21 JUN 1717-)
Chase, Bradford (17 AUG 1719-)
Chase, Charles (12 JAN 1689/90-)
Chase, Daniel (15 OCT 1702-)
Chase, Daniel (9 DEC 1661-)
Chase, David (20 OCT 1710-)
Chase, Deborah (1799-2 APR 1880)
Chase, Dorothy (24 JAN 1688/89-)
Chase, Dudley (-)
Chase, Elizabeth (21 JAN 1745/46-1773)
Chase, Elizabeth (ABT. 1795-)
Chase, Elizabeth (25 SEP 1693-)
Chase, Elizabeth (14 FEB 1684/85-)
Chase, Elizabeth (13 SEP 1657-)
Chase, Esther (18 NOV 1674-)
Chase, Ezra (9 JUL 1717-6 MAR 1786)
Chase, George (17 FEB 1701/02-)
Chase, Hannah (13 SEP 1699-)
Chase, Hannah (25 FEB 1710/11-)
Chase, Henry (23 FEB 1724/25-)
Chase, Isaac (21 JAN 1681/82-)
Chase, Isaac (1647-9 MAY 1727)
Chase, Isaac (19 JAN 1690/91-)
Chase, Jacob (ABT. 1693-ABT. 1754)
Chase, James (1649-)
Chase, James (ABT. 1655-)
Chase, James (15 SEP 1685-)
Chase, John (2 NOV 1656-AFT. 1715)
Chase, Jonathan (13 JAN 1682/83-)
Chase, Jonathan (14 MAR 1675/76-)
Chase, Joseph (9 SEP 1705-)
Chase, Joseph (1645-27 JUN 1689)
Chase, Joseph (8 DEC 1719-)
Chase, Joseph (1647-)
Chase, Joseph (25 MAR 1677-)
Chase, Josiah (-)
Chase, Judith (19 FEB 1696/97-)
Chase, Lydia (1693-)
Chase, Martha (18 AUG 1684-)
Chase, Mary (15 JAN 1694/95-)
Chase, Mary (3 FEB 1650/51-)
Chase, Mary (ABT. 1735-)
Chase, Mehetable (19 JAN 1694/95-)
Chase, Mina (17 NOV 1721-9 APR 1815)
Chase, Moses (20 JAN 1687/88-)
Chase, Moses (24 DEC 1663-)
Chase, Nathan (1702-)
Chase, Nathan (2 AUG 1701-)
Chase, Phillip (23 SEP 1688-)
Chase, Polly (15 AUG 1784-)
Chase, Priscilla (14 MAR 1648/49-1700)
Chase, Priscilla (15 OCT 1681-)
Chase, Rachel (25 OCT 1679-)
Chase, Rachel (27 APR 1687-)
Chase, Rebecca (16 NOV 1714-)
Chase, Rebecca (26 APR 1700-)
Chase, Ruth (18 MAR 1659/60-)
Chase, Ruth (28 FEB 1690/91-)
Chase, Samuel (13 MAY 1690-)
Chase, Sarah (18 JUL 1688-)
Chase, Sarah (6 JAN 1727/28-1753)
Chase, Sarah (1645-)
Chase, Sarah (13 MAR 1730/31-)
Chase, Sarah (ABT. 1646-)
Chase, Simion (-)
Chase, Stephan (26 OCT 1705-)
Chase, Stephen (24 AUG 1728-)
Chase, Stephen (1690-)
Chase, Stephen (29 AUG 1696-)
Chase, Thomas (1615-1652)
Chase, Thomas (25 JUL 1654-)
Chase, Thomas (ABT. 1705-)
Chase, Thomas (1643-)
Chase, Thomas (15 SEP 1680-)
Chase, Thomas (9 NOV 1677-)
Chase, Thomasine (3 DEC 1723-)
Chase, William (3 JAN 1678/79-)
Chase, William (12 APR 1756-ABT. 1825)
Chase, Wm. J. (27 JAN 1793-)
Chatwick, Eunice (-)
Chavez, X. (--living--)
Cheney, Keziah (1749-15 SEP 1814)
Chesley, Mary (ABT. 1685-)
Chilcott, Eliza (29 JUN 1802-14 JAN 1871)
Chubbuck, Rebecca (APR 1641-1 JUN 1686)
Chubbuck, Thomas (-)
Church, Rebecca (1616-)
Churchill, Randolph Henery (1850-)
Churchill, Winston (1890-)
Chute, Daniel (6 MAY 1722-6 JAN 1805)
Chute, James (14 JUN 1686-31 JAN 1769)
Chute, James (16 FEB 1750/51-)
Chute, James (-)
Chute, James (-)
Chute, Juditth (20 JAN 1742/43-13 DEC 1788)
Chute, Lionel (-)
Chute, Mary (8 NOV 1716-)
Chute, Mary (8 NOV 1716-)
Chute, Ruth (27 AUG 1720-)
Chute, Ruth (1720-UNKNOWN)
Chute, Ruth (27 AUG 1720-)
Ciarfella, John (13 SEP 1933-18 SEP 1998)
Ciechon, Elaine M. (--living--)
Ciechon, Mathew J. (--living--)
Ciechon, Wendy Jean (--living--)
Cilley, Benjamin (ABT. 1713-29 OCT 1765)
CILLEY, Benoni (ABT. 1681-)
Cilley, Eleanor (29 SEP 1715-AFT. 31 JAN 1770)
CILLEY, Mehitable (15 FEB 1703/04-)
Cilley, Moses (12 AUG 1744-)
Cilley, Thomas (ABT. 1675-)
CILLEY, Thomas or John (ABT. 1660-)
Cilley, Williams (ABT. 1736-)
Clair, George (-)
Clair, Irma Bertha (ABT. 1885-)
Clark, Arthur Lincoln (11 MAR 1871-)
Clark, Bertha Maude (26 MAY 1872-)
Clark, Bethia (6 MAY 1697-19 APR 1727)
Clark, Edith Alice (29 OCT 1883-)
Clark, Elizabeth (27 JUL 1686-)
Clark, Ezra (-)
Clark, Florence Mabel (28 MAR 1868-)
Clark, Francis Tukey (16 MAY 1811-)
Clark, George Howe (24 DEC 1808-)
Clark, Henry (21 NOV 1698-)
Clark, Henry (5 JUL 1673-)
Clark, Henry Thurston (15 FEB 1823-)
Clark, Issac Fowl (5 JUN 1814-)
Clark, John (21 JUN 1670-)
Clark, John (-)
Clark, Judith (15 AUG 1700-)
Clark, Martin Luther (2 JUN 1844-)
Clark, Mary (-)
Clark, Nathanial (13 MAR 1665/66-)
Clark, Nathaniel (ABT. 1646-25 AUG 1690)
Clark, Sarah (7 MAY 1702-)
Clark, Seth (14 JAN 1783-13 AUG 1871)
Clark, Stephen (21 FEB 1696/97-)
Clark, Stephen Tukey (29 OCT 1819-)
Clark, Thomas (9 FEB 1667/68-)
Clarke, Mary (1683-3 NOV 1771)
CLARKE, Mary (1590-22 JUN 1681)
Clemens, Jeremiah (ABT. 1732-)
Clemens, John Marshall (ABT. 1800-)
Clemens, Samuel B. (ABT. 1770-)
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (30 NOV 1835-21 APR 1910)
Clement, Aurelia (1800-4 JUL 1843)
Clement, Hannah (24 MAR 1731/32-ABT. 1790)
Clement, Jonathan (ABT. 1690-)
Clements, Abraham (ABT. 1670-)
Clements, Ezekial (ABT. 1700-)
Clements, Robert (ABT. 1640-)
Clifford, Abigail (18 AUG 1713-)
Clifford, Benjamin (ABT. 1810-)
Clifford, Elizabeth (12 AUG 1735-24 DEC 1817)
Clifford, Elizabeth (1694-)
Clifford, Elizabeth (31 AUG 1659-)
Clifford, Esther (24 FEB 1661/62-)
Clifford, Hannah (26 JUN 1730-)
Clifford, Hannah (15 APR 1640-)
Clifford, Israel (ABT. 1650-)
Clifford, Israel (-)
Clifford, Issac (14 FEB 1663/64-2 MAY 1694)
Clifford, Issac (24 MAY 1696-1745)
Clifford, Joanna (ABT. 1735-)
Clifford, Joanna (12 NOV 1711-)
Clifford, John (ABT. 1614-)
Clifford, John (10 MAY 1646-BEF. 1722)
Clifford, John (23 AUG 1719-)
Clifford, Joseph (9 DEC 1721-)
Clifford, Joseph (1680-BEF. 6 MAR 1723/24)
Clifford, Rachel (18 DEC 1723-)
Clifford, Samuel (26 MAR 1689-)
Clifford, Samuel (9 DEC 1710-)
Clifford, Sarah (30 OCT 1673-)
Clifford, Sarah (18 APR 1721-)
Clifford, Sarah (10 MAY 1691-)
Clifford, Zachariah (-)
Clifford, Zachariah (15 APR 1685-)
Clough, John (-)
Clough, Sara (1647-UNKNOWN)
Coates, Paul Ford (--living--)
Coburn, Lucy (ABT. 1740-)
Coburn, Oliver (APR 1709-ABT. 1781)
Coe, Sarah (-29 JAN 1713/14)
Coffin, Abigail (ABT. 1687-)
Coffin, Abigail (20 OCT 1657-)
Coffin, Abigail (ABT. 1713-)
Coffin, Benjamin (28 AUG 1683-)
Coffin, Deborah (ABT. 1668-)
Coffin, Deborah (11 OCT 1655-)
Coffin, Deborah (10 NOV 1655-1710)
Coffin, Dinah (21 SEP 1671-)
Coffin, Dinah (ABT. 1670-)
Coffin, Ebenezer (30 MAR 1678-)
Coffin, Edward (20 FEB 1669/70-)
Coffin, Eliphalet (13 JAN 1688/89-ABT. 1736)
Coffin, Elizabeth (ABT. 1673-)
Coffin, Elizabeth (ABT. 1631-19 NOV 1678)
COFFIN, Elizabeth (1710-)
Coffin, Elizabeth (27 JAN 1680/81-)
Coffin, Enoch (21 JAN 1662/63-)
Coffin, Eunice (1611-)
Coffin, Hannah (3 MAR 1687/88-)
Coffin, James (22 APR 1659-)
Coffin, James (12 AUG 1640-28 JUL 1720)
Coffin, Jethro (16 SEP 1663-)
Coffin, John (9 AUG 1660-)
Coffin, John (20 JAN 1689/90-)
Coffin, John (8 SEP 1660-)
Coffin, John (1637-)
Coffin, Jonathan (28 AUG 1692-)
Coffin, Joseph (4 FEB 1679/80-)
Coffin, Judith (22 DEC 1717-24 JUL 1741)
Coffin, Judith (23 FEB 1692/93-)
Coffin, Judith (7 OCT 1686-)
Coffin, Judith (4 DEC 1653-17 MAY 1724)
Coffin, Judith (12 APR 1653-)
Coffin, Judith (9 OCT 1693-)
Coffin, Lydia (21 JUL 1691-)
Coffin, Lydia (22 APR 1662-1720)
Coffin, Mary (20 FEB 1644/45-13 NOV 1717)
Coffin, Mary (-)
Coffin, Mary (1612-)
Coffin, Mary (18 JAN 1690/91-)
Coffin, Mary (18 APR 1665-)
Coffin, Mary (11 DEC 1657-)
Coffin, Mary (12 NOV 1657-)
Coffin, Nathaniel (22 MAR 1668/69-)
Coffin, Parnel (ABT. 1690-)
Coffin, Paul (15 APR 1695-)
Coffin, Peter (27 JUL 1667-)
Coffin, Peter (14 NOV 1673-)
Coffin, Peter (ABT. 1631-21 MAR 1714/15)
Coffin, Peter (20 AUG 1660-)
Coffin, Peter (ABT. 1570-)
Coffin, Peter (1580-)
Coffin, Peter (-)
Coffin, Robert (ABT. 1675-)
Coffin, Sarah (20 AUG 1689-)
Coffin, Sarah (16 MAY 1686-)
Coffin, Stephen (20 FEB 1675/76-)
Coffin, Stephen (18 AUG 1664-)
Coffin, Stephen (11 MAY 1652-)
Coffin, Tristam (ABT. 1605-)
Coffin, Tristam (3 JUN 1689-)
Coffin, Tristam (19 OCT 1694-)
Coffin, Tristam (10 AUG 1696-)
Coffin, Tristam (ABT. 1632-2 APR 1704)
Coffin, Tristan (-)
Coffin, Tristram (ABT. 1691-)
Coffin, Tristram (18 JAN 1665/66-BEF. 1695)
Coffin, Tristram (1609-1681)
Coffin, Tristram (-)
Coffley, Agnes (1610-22 MAR 1678/79)
Coker, Joseph (6 OCT 1640-)
Coker, Robert (1606-19 MAY 1680)
Coker, Sarah (24 NOV 1643-UNKNOWN)
Colangelo, (-)
Colbert, Kurt Alan (-)
Colcord, Deborah (21 MAY 1664-)
Colcord, Ebenezer (20 MAY 1695-)
Colcord, Edward (ABT. 1600-)
Colcord, Edward (ABT. 1615-10 FEB 1681/82)
Colcord, Edward (4 JAN 1691/92-)
Colcord, Elizabeth (26 DEC 1686-)
Colcord, Hannah (ABT. 1646-17 JUL 1720)
Colcord, Hannah (17 APR 1689-)
Colcord, Jonathan (3 APR 1684-)
Colcord, Joseph (1828-)
Colcord, Mary (4 OCT 1649-23 NOV 1741)
Colcord, Mary (24 MAR 1697/98-)
Colcord, Mehitable (1657-)
Colcord, Samuel (11 MAR 1681/82-)
Colcord, Samuel (-)
Colcord, Samuel (ABT. 1656-5 OCT 1736)
Colcord, Sarah (ABT. 1648-)
Colcord, Shuah (12 JUN 1662-)
Cole, Margaret (ABT. 1620-)
Coleman, Benjamin (ABT. 1700-)
Coleman, Jabez (27 MAY 1668-4 SEP 1724)
Coleman, Joseph (1717-)
Coleman, Mary (1677-1697)
Coleman, Soloman (-)
Coleman, Thomas (-)
Coleman, Tobias (-)
Collins, Eleanora (1830-1890)
Collins, Jonathan (ABT. 1730-)
Collorusso, Micheal (ABT. 1850-)
Colman, Anna (1711-)
Colman, Dorcas (27 APR 1703-)
Colman, John (8 MAR 1703/04-)
Colman, Mary (24 DEC 1819-24 MAY 1908)
Colman, Thomas (-)
Colman, William (1760-)
Conant, Josiah (ABT. 1710-)
Conner, Carrie Frances (1 JUL 1837-)
Conner, Enoch F. (1831-)
Conner, John (1827-)
Conner, John Lyford (1805-22 JAN 1848)
Conner, Margaret B. (1833-)
Conner, Sarah E. (1829-)
Conner, William H. (1835-)
Connor, Cornelius (-)
Contant, Etienne (-)
Content), Marie Contant (or (-)
Convers, Samuel (-)
Cooch, Thomas (ABT. 1899-ABT. 1950)
Cook, Blanche (--living--)
Cook, Gladys (--living--)
Cook, Ida R. (1850-14 JUN 1910)
Cook, John C. (7 OCT 1877-7 APR 1928)
Cook, Simeon H. (1850-9 APR 1906)
Corliss, Anne (-1 JUN 1691)
Corliss, George (-)
Cornelius, David (--living--)
Cornelius, Laura Jean (--living--)
Cornelius, Mark (--living--)
Cornelius, Patricia (--living--)
Cornelius, Teresa (--living--)
Corneluis, Arthur (--living--)
Cote, Shannon (--living--)
Cottle, Ann (12 JUL 1663-1740)
Cotton, Mary (-29 MAY 1733)
Courtney, John (--living--)
Courtney, Mary Ellen (--living--)
Courtney, Timothy (--living--)
Cox, John (ABT. 1640-20 OCT 1657)
Cox, Leah (1661-19 FEB 1748/49)
Cox, Mary (ABT. 1644-)
Cox, Moses (11 FEB 1648/49-)
Cox, Moses (1594-28 MAY 1687)
Cox, Rachel (ABT. 1648-)
Cox, Rachel (-)
Cox, Sarah (ABT. 1646-)
Coxe, Moses (-)
Coxe, Sarah (-)
Coxon, Mary (-)
Crabtree, Hannah (-)
CRAM, Abigail (1690-16 MAR 1753)
Cram, Ann (1810-)
Cram, Argentine (1690-1750)
CRAM, Benjamin (1630-)
Cram, Benjamin (1666-)
Cram, Benjamin (-)
Cram, Benjamin (-)
Cram, Benjamin Franklin (1802-)
Cram, Comfort (-)
Cram, Eben (-)
Cram, Elizabeth (15 OCT 1702-)
Cram, Hannah (22 AUG 1673-)
Cram, James (1780-UNKNOWN)
CRAM, John (6 APR 1665-)
Cram, John (12 JAN 1685/86-)
Cram, John (-)
CRAM, John (1540-)
CRAM, John (29 JAN 1596/97-5 MAR 1681/82)
Cram, Jonathan (26 APR 1678-)
Cram, Joseph (12 APR 1671-)
Cram, Joseph (-)
Cram, Joseph (1804-)
Cram, Loretta (1885-UNKNOWN)
Cram, Mary (1640-)
Cram, Mary (1806-)
Cram, Mary (14 AUG 1682-)
Cram, Richard (19 APR 1589-)
Cram, Ruth (ABT. 1730-APR 1820)
Cram, Sarah (ABT. 1663-)
Cram, Sarah (ABT. 1695-)
Cram, Sarah (1 JAN 1715/16-)
CRAM, Thomas (1568-1639)
Cram, Thomas (23 NOV 1595-)
Cram, Thomas (1644-)
Cram, Thomas (9 NOV 1696-)
Cram, Wadleigh (-)
Cram, William (10 NOV 1565-)
Crandall, David Sprague (-)
Crandall, Elizabeth Amelia (1 OCT 1836-UNKNOWN)
Crawford, Infantson (ABT. MAY 1894-9 MAY 1894)
Crawford, Linwood P (ABT. 1896-9 AUG 1896)
Crawford, Lyndon F (ABT. 1900-ABT. 1981)
Crawford, Wilbur L (16 JAN 1884-ABT. 1930)
Crawford, Wilbur P (ABT. 1856-ABT. 1930)
Crocker, Maary (ABT. 1755-)
CROMWELL, Argentine (1630-)
CROMWELL, Giles (1600-)
Cromwell, Giles (-)
Cromwell, Philip (-)
Crosby, Anne B. (--living--)
Crosby, Anneliese Marie (--living--)
Crosby, Anthony Joseph (--living--)
Crosby, Ashel (1840-)
Crosby, Charles Malcolm , Jr. (--living--)
Crosby, Charles Malcolm (--living--)
Crosby, Charles Malcolm (--living--)
Crosby, Dillon Mason (--living--)
Crosby, Earle (1902-1976)
Crosby, Edna (-)
Crosby, Emma Adeline (28 JAN 1843-20 FEB 1873)
Crosby, James (--living--)
Crosby, John Arthur (27 DEC 1867-10 OCT 1912)
Crosby, Malcolm Edward (13 NOV 1904-ABT. 1972)
Crosby, Malcolm Edward , Jr. (--living--)
Crosby, Mary (-)
Crosby, Thomas (-)
Crosby, Thomas (-)
Crosby, Wendall (-)
Cross, Anstress (3 NOV 1775-5 JAN 1851)
Cross, Mary Polly (1780-)
Cross, Olive (1800-)
Cross, Sally (1776-)
Cross, Sally Sarah (1772-1835)
Cummings, Mary Ann (30 SEP 1850-UNKNOWN)
Cunne, William (-)
Currier, Leon (--living--)
Curtis, Ephraim (1660-)
Curtis, Zacheus (-)
Cutler, A. B. (1840-)
Cutting, John (1610-20 NOV 1659)
Cutting, John Captain (1580-)
Cutting, Mary (1645-1690)
Cutting, Mary (1620-1680)
Cutting, Sarah (1643-)

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