Two and a half years went by and I found out I was expecting again. By now, Annie was a bright toddler, and I had my hands full. I went to the Dr,to get prenatal care, and asked about a home birth. She didn't do them, didn't know of anyone who did, and wouldn't tell me if she did. So the search was on.

Fortunately, there was a couple in church who were from California, and they had just met a midwife and were planning a home birth. I met the midwives(a team) when I was 5 months and was very impressed with their knowledge and experience. Because of Virginia law, however, they were remaining anonymous (the laws still have not changed!).

My pregnancy was uneventful,and on the 16th of January I knew labor was kicking labor At one point, while I was making the bed for the birth, Annie (who was 2 3/4 at this time) asked me, "Mommy, why are you breathing funny? What is the matter?" I told her I would be having the baby soon, and not to talk to me while I was working- yes,I know I was a little snippy, but she rolled with it. She went into her room to play, and then about ten minutes later, came back out and said, "Mommy, I am going to bed now, OK?" I said OK, and apologised for snapping at her earlier. She accepted gracefully, and didn't wake up til her sister had arrived.

At 9 PM I called the midwives, my husband, who was at his part time job, and my mother-in-law. The friend who had taught me Lamaze with Annie(Cheryl Wright) was called and Ismene Morency, through whom I met the midwives. left to right,Kathy,Cheryl Wright,me at 8 cm, and Ismene Morency Labor progressed rapidly,and though it had only been 2 hours since I had called everyone, I was in transition. I had a lot of back pressure that I didn't have with Annie, so the midwife checked the position of the baby and realized he was posterior. I was so glad I was at home! If I had gone to the hospital, they would have broken my water at 4 cm, and the baby would have been stuck in that position! As it was, My friends and my husband took turns using counter-pressure on my sacrum, because it allieviated what pain there was, and I was able to stay relaxed.

At 1 AM I had a piggy-back contraction,and it lasted 2 1/2 minutes. My belly was flip-flopping like crazy,and I thought "what the heck was that", when I got the urge to push. The midwife checked me and I was fully dilated, while the other one checked the baby's heart rate after that long contraction.

I went ahead and pushed, and in two pushes the baby's head was out. Ismene had the camera and was clicking and saying "It's a Miracle, It's a Miracle!" It felt like an indian rope burn during this time (crowning) but the midwife used oil on the perineum, and I stretched without tearing. With the next contraction, the baby was born, and it was a...GIRL! Kathy and her first catch Eight pounds, 2 ozs., and 21 inches long! She was born at 1:20 AM,January 17, 1981. SO FAST! My husband at first was disappointed that she wasn't a boy, but having her at home made it easier for him to deal with. I didn't care one way or the other,and I was up taking a shower 20 mins later.

We decided to call her Dana,and she has been every bit the DANE, Blond hair, Blue eyes,and very calm and patient. By the way, here is Dana now...
Dana She is now a senior at an Eastern College.

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