Hello! My Name is Cindy.Welcome to my web page.I am still working on it, but feel free to stop in and look around.The coffee pot is always on.

Would you like to know a little about me and my family?

They say the branch doesn't fall far from the tree. Well, have I got a family tree for you! Reinink, Vis, Hatt, Harris, Rayment, Francisco, Girard/Gerard, Charon, VanCampen, they're all in there!

Francisco/Reinink Reunion 2000 Announcement.

I am very much a Christian. Here is some information about my church and beliefs.

Here is the second poem that goes along with Foot Prints in the Sand, titled "Butt-Prints in the Sand". For those who need extra help getting motivated!

My husband is an avid hunter, therefore, I am an avid cooker of wild game.

My family loves to cook, and loves to eat even more! Would you like to try some of our recipes?

I love to knit. It is not as hard as it looks.

Adult life getting too stressfull? Take a break for a minute, I DOUBLE DOG DARE YA!!!

Recently I have developed Asthma. I have compiled a lot of info on asthma, and living with asthma.

I have nerve damage in both arms. Check out this "You Might be a TOSer if..." and see if you have it too!

Gardening is a lot of fun, and the produce is heavenly!

I love a good joke. Here are some my jokes links.

Who doesn't love free stuff. I have many fun links for freebie lovers!

E-mail me.

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