It is important to keep track of everything! If you are getting sick (asthma, nausea, hives, etc.) write it down!
If you are at work and a certain department keeps making you sick, write down your symptoms, what you were working with, what time, do you feel better when you are gone from work, etc.
It is also important to keep track of what is making you sick so you can avoid it. If hair spray or cologne is making you sick, write down the contents on the label, if food is making you sick, again write down the contents on the label. This way you have a record of that item making you sick and you can look before you buy others items, to make sure it is not going to make you sick.
I know this sounds confusing and like a lot of work, but I have found that trying to keep well is a full time job! It is a necessity for me to avoid all of the triggers that I can to avoid asthma attacks. Medicine alone will not do the trick.