
This Page Belongs to (Amanda)

I Like:


Hi, Some of the things that I like are:
Pok`emon cards for sure and the movie!
Bike riding with my friends.
Hiking with my family.
School, I like to learning about Science, Music and Math.

These are only some of my favorite things to do, I have many more and will change my page soon.

Welcome to my page. Here is alittle bit about myself and some stuff to do.


My Birthday is July 28,1991

Some of my favorite sites:

Pok`emon site

About me

I am good at math.
I  like to read and read with my mom. We are reading a book called "Harry Potter". I am reading a book called "Baby Sitters Club" (Little sister #4)


Cat Dog             


The Rainbow Fish


Harry Potter, The Hungery Caterpiller,Baby Sitters Club and  The Grouchy Lady Bug  

Fovorite Color is:

Right now my favorite color is Blue


I love my mom, dad and brothers. My brother (Chris)  is a pain sometimes but I love him anyways.  My best friend is Emily. She's lots of fun. I also love my cat, even if she isn't a person. She's the cutest.


When I grow up, I want to be a teacher because I like to draw on the blackboard. That would be fun.
