Beracah Fellowship GuestBook - Survey

Please fill out our Survey

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1) How old are you?

Under 18 years old
Between 19 and 24 years old
Between 25 and 34 years old
Between 35 and 44 years old
More than 45 years old

2) How often do you visit my page?

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Once per week
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Once per year

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Pure Luck
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Link from another page
Some other link from a page you have excluded from your list above
Voices in my head
I clicked this mouse thingy and something happened
Please specify, if not in list.

Your purpose for visiting was:

church Information
The Beracah Fellowship
Just browsing
I Have No Purpose
How Would You Rate This Site? It's really boring!
Mind-numbingly Boring
Somewhat Helpful
Well Done, thanks Beracah Fellowship!
Additional Comments/Questions/Input/Manifesto declarations:

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