OM is a non-profit missionary organization based on faith in God to achieve the Mission. It requires each missionary to prepare their costs to their destination. When we joined OM, we planned to share the costs three ways, 1/3 from our mother churches, 1/3 from ourselves and 1/3 from brothers and sisters' free-will offering. We didn't want our churches to be overly burdened by us and indeed, we were eager to spend our savings on this. Additionally, by allowing brothers and sisters to participate in our cost, it would make them partner with us on God's mission.
Prayer Support
We need your prayers. This is our biggest need from you. Without your prayers, we can't achieve what God intended for us to do.
Support in letters/news/friendship
We need your letters/words of encouragement. Especially when we feel discouraged, the best gifts are your letters! It makes us feel that you care.