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"Don't Be Too Late, Prepare in '98"

Please remember these people in your prayers

Jeff Parker is sick with a high fever.

John Pitts, Pam Eccles' father, is in room 316 at the Murfreesboro Hospital.

Mildred Cartwright had thraot surgery.

Eric Barlow has Pneumonia.

Robert Crews, the father of Joan Howard, had triple bypass surgery Tuesday.  He is in the CCU at St. Thomas Hospital.

Michelle Pope continues to be very sick.

Jeff French,
Ray's brother, is  much worse. 

Let's remember the following: Anna Jones,  Officer Ali,  Sandy Simms, Justin Terrel,  Kelly Kirkland, & Robert Bell

Remember our SHUT-INS:Robbie Bond,  Katherine King, Peggy Nichols, Inez Sloan &  Gladys Talley

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