ErnieToo's Family

Below you will find pictures of my wonderful children. I am very proud of each of them!

The oldest is eighteen and about to embark on her first year in college. Some of you may have heard me talking about her the know how teens can be! I guess I should just be very, very grateful she is nothing like her mother was at the same age...LOL!! She is very involved in sports. She loves playing volleyball and softball. In fact, she loves softball so much, she is going to college this fall on a softball scholarship.

1997-98 Prom Pictures
1997-98 Softball Pictures

Our "middle" child is now 10 years old and on her way into 5th grade. Should be an interesting year, as she is moving up to the Intermediate school (5th and 6th grades). She is our "little girl". Unlike her older sister, she LOVES to wear dresses. She is very good in school and loves to read (Little House series and Nancy Drew mysteries). She also collects the Beanie Baby cats...just about has them all. She loves little children and has often said she wants to be a mommy when she grows up. I guess I must be doing something right!!

Last, and definitely not least, is our son. He just turned 8 years old and is on his way to third grade. He is also moving up to the "next" school. Three kids, three different schools (again)! Like his 10 year old sister, he is very good in school and likes reading Hank the Cowdog mystery series. He also loooooves building with Legos (his newest passion)!


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