Birth Stories


for April 1998 Playgroup

We shared the ups and downs of our pregnancies. Now we want to share our birth stories with each other and with you.

I've divided them somewhat arbitrarily into several categories:
C-Section Births
Hospital Births, medicated
Hospital Births, "natural"
Birth Center Births
Home Births
Read one of each or read them all!

Since March 28, 1998, we've had


This page was last updated Sept. 16, 1999

C-Section Births

Hospital Births, medicated

Hospital Births, "natural"

Birth Center Births

Home Births


April '98 Playgroup Information

Check our our new playgroup for chatting after the births: April '98 Playgroup.

April Who's Who List updated 3.29.00
send changes/updates to: UnicornDancer

Check out our Due Dates and Delivery Statistics.
Thank you Catherine for keeping this list!

This group owes its existance to Parents Place.
Visit them to find all kinds of resources for Parents!

Toby and Adam in NICU.

This web page was created by Toby McAdams. Please send comments/changes/questions to her at


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