Holy Family Mission Student Census 1900-1910, Family, Montana


1900 Student Census

Billedeau, William 12.............Billedeau, Charley 10
Billedeau, Werney 8...............Boy Chief, Dennis 8
Boy Chief, William 7..............Blackface, George 7
Blackface, Louis 8................Kennerly, Jerome 12
Champagne, George 8...............Champagne, Peter 7
Chiefallover, George 10...........Double Runner, Paul 12
Dog Medicine, Steven 9............Guardipee, Charles 12
Henault, Mosey 14.................Horn, James 6
Johnson, James 11.................Lodgepole, Peter 14
Monroe, Anthony 10................Monroe, Augustine 12
Morgan, David 8...................Morgan, Wilbert 6
Paul, William 7...................Russell, George 15
Russell, Joseph 12................Russell, William 9
Spanish, William 9................Steward, Earl 9
Twofrey, Dominic 8................Upham, Jack 10
Ward, James 9.....................Ward, George 8
Vielle, Francis 8
Brockey, Cecilia 13...............Brockey, Isabel 10
Brockey, Agnes 9..................Brockey, Mary 6
Baker, Mary 10....................Guardipee, Louise 9
Good Owl, Elizabeth 10............Johnson, Ida 10
Kipp, Mary 12.....................Kiayo, Louise 8
Lamott, Jennie 16.................Livermore, Clara 11
Livermore, Lily 6.................Many Guns, Mary 11
McKey, Louise 12..................McKey, Agnes 9
Morgan, Millie 13.................Morgan, Lizzie 11
Manning, Louise 8.................Owl Feather, Maud 10
Paul, Rose 12.....................Powell, Maggie 16
Pias, Katie 13....................Strong, Margarete 13
Stuart, Clara 14..................Stuart, Mollie 10
Shooting In the Air, Isabel 13....St. Goddard, Agnes 10
Tatsey, Josephine 13..............Tatsey, Hattie 8
Upham, Myrtle 8...................Underbull, Mary 8
Vielle, Mary 7....................Ward, Mary Rose 6
Whitequiver, Maggie 9

1902 Student Census - Name and Age

Alberton, Robert 13....................Lemen, John 14
Bear Chief, John 12....................Little Plume, Louis 12
Bear Chief, Sebestian 6................Morgan, David 10
Bird, Johnson 12.......................Morgan, Wilbert 10
Blackface, Louis 12....................Russell, Joseph 14
Blackface, George 10...................Russell, William 11
Boy Chief, William 8...................Spotted Bear, Berry 12
Connelly, John 12......................Vielle, Francis 12
Hall, P John 9.........................Vielle, William 9
Kipp, Louis 12.........................Yellow Kidney, Michael 10

Albertson, Mary 7...............Monroe, Mary 17
Arrowmaker, Maggie 11...........Monroe, Jennie 14
Bird, Millie 9..................Monroe, Lizzie 12
Brockey, Isabel 14..............Monroe, Amelia 10
Brockey, Agnes 11...............Monroe, Alice 8
Brockey, Mary 8.................Owlfeather, Maud 11
Crawford, Ellen 7...............Pablo, Emma 10
Comesatnight, Millie 9..........Pablo, Christine 7
Davis, Maud 13..................Pablo, Agnes 6
Guardipee, Louise 11............Rutledge, Mary 14
Fine Bull, Elizabeth 12.........Stewart, Mollie 12
Hall, Mary 13...................Stewart, Cecile 8
Hagan, Nellie 12................Shooting in the air, Isabel 15
Hagan, Sadie 6..................Shooting in the air, Annie 8
Kiyo, Louise 10.................Shubert, Agnes 9
Leman, Louise 11................St. Goddard, Agnes 12
Little Plume, Mary 11...........Vielle, Mary 10
Livermore, Clara 13.............Whiteman, Mary 6
Livermore, Lillie 9.............Whitequiver, Maggie 11

Morgan, Lizzie 13

1904 Student Census (Dec. 1904)

Aubrey, Phil 13.................Billedeaux, Carl 11
BlackBones, Joe 10..............Bird, Henry 10
Bird, George 8..................Boss Ribs, Joe 9
Boy Chief, Willie 4.............Crow Eyes, Willie 8
Day Rider, Joe 8................Dubray, Joe 8
Dunbar, Andrew 14...............Evans, James 8
Guardipee, Joe 11...............Hall, David 12
Hall, John 9....................Horn, John 12
Kennedy, Willie 6...............Kipp, Willie 12
Kiyo, Willie 7..................Longtimesleeping, Joe 12
Many Guns, Thomas 8.............Mittens, James 7

1909 Student Census - Name and Age

--Boys-- --Boys-- --Boys-- --Boys--
Bear Chief, Joseph 7 Bearleggins, Peter 12 Bignose, Louis 6 Bossribs, Joseph 13
Calflooking, Eddie 5 Cassous, Louis 10 Choate, James 13 Comesatnight, James 8
Croff, Eddie 10 Dubray, Gordon 14 Dubray, Joseph 10 Hall, David 10
Hall,William 11 Kennedy, William 13 Kiyo, William 10 Little Plume, Peter 13
Magee, Dewey 10 Magee, Henry 12 Magee, Walter 15 Manyguns, Thomas 14
Marceau, Charles 7 Matt, Albert 8 Matt, Francis 10 Morgan, Joseph
Nightgun, Bernard 6 Pepion, Aloysius 10 Pepion, Thomas 13 Pepion, Victor 7
Red Fox, Jas 11 Red Fox, John 14 Ridesatthedoor, Frank 13 Ridesatthedoor, Jas 11
Runningwolf, John 14 Scabby Rose, John 13 Shelt, Carl 10 Stab by mistake, Peter 14
Steele, William 9 Tatsey, John 13 Tatsey, Joseph 11 Vielle, James 10
Vielle, John 12 Whitedog, George 6 Whiteman, James 12 .
--Girls-- --Girls-- --Girls-- --Girls--
Aimsback, Maggie 10 Albertson, Julia 10 Albertson, Mary 12 Bearleggins, Mary 6
Berrychild, Annie 10 Big Plume, Annie 5 Big Smoke, Annie 10 Blackbones, Maggie 13
Blackbull, Josephine 8 Boychief, Clara 12 Brown, Sarah 10 Bullchild, Martha 9
Bullshoe, Mary 7 Cadotte, Mary 5 Cadotte, Rhoda 10 Champagne, Maggie 13
Choate, Mary 8 Comesatnight, Agatha 8 Comesatnight, Maggie 6 Duckhead, Mary 12
Duckhead, Ursula 9 Evans, Irene 13 Gambler, Lizzie 8 Grant, Cecile 13
Grant, Cora 5 Grant, Julia 7 Grant, Maggie 16 Hall, Martha 8
Hamilton, Rose 7 Hamilton, Theo 8 Jack, Cecile 10 Katen, Alice 6
Katen, Hattie 7 Kennedy, Esther 7 Kennedy, Lizzie 4 Little Plume, Josephine 14
Little Plume, Martha 11 Mad Plume, Mary 8 Manyhides, Mary 10 Marceau, Annie 10
Marceau, Nellie 9 Matt, Alice 14 Morgan, Irene 4 Morgan, Mary 10
Morgan, Virginia 6 Nochief, Grace 12 Nochief, Mary 9 Revis, Cecile 9
Runningrabbit, Annie 9 Rutherford, Annie 6 Rutherford,Edna 8 Shelt, Irene 12
Shelt, Mary 14 Shoots, Irene 8 Spotted Bear, Rose 8 Vielle, Cecile 7
Vielle, Dora 6 Whitecalf, Julia 7 Whitecalf, Mary 8 Whiteman, Mary 12
Wild Gun, Rose 6 Wolverine, Mary 11 Yellow Kidney, Maggie 10 .