Drinks Tea Alone Clan

This site created by: Rhonda Michael

The Whiteman Family is from the Blackfeet Reservation in the state of Montana.

Whiteman was born est. 1845 in Montana or Alberta, Canada. Parents: Charles Marceau and Good Strike. He had five wives, four of the five wives were sisters. Whiteman died 1915 and is buried on Duckhead Hill , south of Browning, MT.

The five wives:

Many Buffalo Rocks, Double Massacre, Many Victories and Sweet Grass Woman all women were full-blooded Blackfeet Indians and sisters their parents were: Chief Eagle (father) and Catches at the Shore (mother). The fifth wife's name was Long Time Pipe Woman.

Whiteman and Many Buffalo Rocks children:

1. Duck Head (Otse-Ko-Wah-Ke)
2. Susan Whiteman Champagne Horn (Su-Sah)
3. Adam Whiteman (my greatgrandfather ) (Na-To-Ah-Pis/Medicine Wolf)
4. Peter Whiteman (Small Chief)

Whiteman and Long Time Pipe Woman children:

5. Jessie Whiteman Pepion Gambler
6. Prairie Chicken Shoe

Whiteman and Double Massacre child:

7. John Whiteman

Whiteman and Many Victories child:

8. Paul Whiteman

Whiteman and Sweet Grass Woman children:

9. James Whiteman
10. Richard Whiteman

1.  Duck Head b. 1866 d. 4/16/1947
              wife:  Cream Horse Rider d. 1905
              1i.    Josephine Duck Head b. 1887 d. 1938 
              1ii.   Peter Duck Head b. 1890 d. 1909 
              1iii.  Frank Duck Head b. 1893 d. 1894
              1iv.   Mary Duck Head b. 1896 d. 1848
              1v.    Louise Duck Head b. 1898 d. 1903
              1vi.   George Duck Head b. 1901 d.?

2nd Wife: Busy Woman b. 1862 d. 1/28/1931 (no children)

2.  Susan Whiteman b. 1869 d. 1/3/1960
              husband:  Peter Champagne b. 1865 d. 1898
              2i.   Clay Champagne b. 1890 d. 1891
              2ii.  George Champagne b. 7/7/1892 d. 3/4/1973
              2iii.  Margaret Champagne b. 12/8/1894 d. 11/15/1964
              2iv.   Annie Champagne b. 1897 d. 1897
              2v,    William Champagne b. 1898 d. 1903

2nd Husband: George Horn b. 1867 d. 3/9/1941 2vi. (Infant Girl) Horn b. 1902 d. 1902 2vii. Charles Horn b. 1904 2viii. Joseph Horn b. 1905 d. 1973 2ix. Nancy Horn b. 5/15/1908 2x. Melvina Horn b. 1911 d. 1970 2xi. Rufus Horn b. 1915 d. 1966

3.  Adam Whiteman b. 1874 d. 12/12/1954 married Aug. 19, 1896,
              wife:  Hannah "Annie" Evans b. 1879 d. 1971
               3i.  Minnie Whiteman b. 1903 d. 1982
               3ii.  Agnes Whiteman b. 1907 d. 1947
               3iii. Clarence Austin (adopted son) b. 1901 d.9/14/1912

4.  Peter Whiteman b. 1881 d. 1954
              wife:  Annie Whitecalf b. 1883 (no children)

2nd wife: Cecile Wolf Chief g. 1903 4i. William Whiteman b. 1919 d. 1919

3rd wife: Josephine White Dog b. 1904 4ii. Mary Lorraine Whiteman b. 1932 4iii. Robert Whiteman b. 1935

5.  Jessie Whiteman b. 1871 d. 1926
              Husband:  Polite Pepion b. ? d. 1908
              5i.   Thomas Pepion b. 1894 Married Louise Chewing                     Black Bones.
              5ii.   Aloysius Pepion b. 1896 d. April 10,1952.                       Married Rose Hall on 1923.
              5iii.   Victor Pepion b. 1899 d. 1959. Married                      Martha Daisy Hall on October 4, 1926.
              5iv.   Mary Pepion b. 1903
              5v.    Gladys Clarice Pepion b. 1908 d. 1910

2nd Husband: James Gambler b. 1874 d. 1919 5vi. Lucy Gambler b. 1908 5vii. Jeanette Gambler b. 1910 5viii. Alice Gambler b. 1911 d. 1924 5ix. Josephine Gambler b. 1915

3rd Husband: James Mittens b. 1894 d. 1821 (no children)

4th Husband: Black Boy

6.  Prairie Chicken Shoe
              wife:  Medicine Star
              6i.  Mary Prairie Chicken Shoe b. 1896 d. 1915
              6ii.  Louis Prairie Chicken Shoe b. 1898 d. 1933

2nd wife: Susan Iron Eater

7.  John Whiteman b. 1880 d. 1923
              wife:  Dirty Face b. 1852

8.  Paul Whiteman

9.  James Whiteman b. 1898 d. 1935
              wife:  Louise Eagle Ribs (Young Running Crane)
              9i.  Mary Whiteman b. 1923 d. 1928
              9ii.  Infant child b. 1924 d. 1924

2nd wife: Marie Big Lodge Pole 9iii. Lizzie Whiteman b. 1931 d. 1938 9iv. Mary Whiteman b. 1933 d. 1934 9v. Eunice Ann Whiteman b. 1935

10.  Richard Whiteman 
                wife:  Cecile Reevis

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