I have really been encouraged by your response to this spot on the web. It's been a great experience meeting so many "cousins" who are truly interested in finding their roots. I am diligently adding more information as quickly as I can. This is my first attempt to do more than surf the internet, and I look forward to becoming more adept; please bear with me.
If you have
any information regarding the Norwood Family or any of the related lines
which you think would make this site more comprehensible or more complete
and you would like to share with others, I will be so glad to include said
information in the appropriate place. I would like to encourage you
to send anecdotes, memories, statiscal information about your branch of
our family, or anything you might think would interest other
of the Norwood line.
I am working to make this web site as complete as is possible, but I don't think it is a good idea to publish names or locations of living relatives without their permission, so be assured I will keep your privacy intact.
I am looking forward to hearing from you -