The Forum was created to more effectively communicate among those of us interested in developing a collective record of our mutual heritage. You are invited to join in the discussion for sharing family records and history.
If you would like to participate or even just monitor the group, you can subscribe by going to the Egroups server and sign up for the Rivard Forum. You will have the choice to select how you would like to utilize the Forum. You can choose digest form (receive daily notice of new postings), immediate notice of new postings, or the internet form (where you can view postings at the Forum internet site, but none will be forwarded directly to you).
You will then have access to the Forum. You can post messages, search the site, or view the archives. Postings can be sorted by subject, date, or author. From this site, you can also modify your subscription or unsubscribe. When you post a message to the Forum, your mail will automatically be sent to family members all over the world.
Hope to hear from you in the group.
Greg Revord