A Little About Me

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

I'm 35 years old and have been happily married to Len since Nov. 21, 1987. We have two children, Chelsea & Dominick and an 8-year old Sheltie named Rhett, after Rhett Butler from one of my favorite movies, Gone With the Wind. We live in a little town in South Jersey, Carneys Point. I don't find this web page too interesting, but it gives you a good look at how small our town is! For a better site about our area, visit the Salem County page.

I work full time for DuPont Chambers Works in the Department of Environmental Treatment. I've been there for 9 1/2 years.

In my spare time, I've become addicted to the Internet, mainly with Parent Soup and Acro! If you haven't visited either of these sites, you should. I've linked below to make it easy for ya! You won't be disappointed. Now I'm trying my hand at my web page. Hope you find something on my pages you like. I plan on adding more as time goes on, so please stop by again.

A great site for parents and parents in the making!

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Family Pictures / My Friends / Fun & Games / Chelsea's Page / Dominick's Page