My Family

My Family Tree

Remembering My Parents

My Testimony

My Church

God's Looking For You


Selection of Psalms

Proof Scriptures for the Messiah


Resources for Writers

My Artwork

Graphics Index


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Photos of the Olympic Peninsula

More Photos at my Photo Page

If you're visiting my page for the first time, welcome! If you've come back for another visit, glad to have you! I started this page back in August, 1998 and I'm always adding links to sites I've found helpful, fine-tuning existing pages when I can find the time, and designing more new ones as I get inspired--like my own Graphics Index.

There's a Family Tree page, where you can check out my roots, and a page about my family--even with our 2 kids now out of college, the empty nest is rarely dull with a husband of 31 years, a wild & crazy dog and three cats (meet our two new ones here), plus working part-time. I was privileged to have two very special people as parents, so I thought I'd share some memories of them, too.

Check out my flickr page:
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from Donner's View. Make your own badge here.

I've also recently begun to write poetry again after many years. You can read--and even hear some--on my poetry pages, including a resource page for writers, with everything from online dictionaries to a Shakespearean Insult Generator.

My husband suffered a bout of Bell's Palsy several years ago, a condition that causes facial paralysis; he's recovered nicely now with almost total use of his facial muscles returned. This is a condition that is not very well known, but actually occurs quite frequently. For those who know of someone who has Bell's Palsy, or for someone who would like more information, see My Family Page for links to sites that explain the condition and its treatment. You'll find them in Preston's bio.

I always hope that your visit here will be a blessing.

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"Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path." Proverbs 3:5,6

Click "Play" to hear "Ashokan Farewell" ~ Words by Grian McGregor, Lyrics by Jay Ungar

Click here for a live recording of "Ashokan Farewell" (Requires Real Player)
from Dancing on the Air Radio Archive

Click here for the words and story behind "Ashokan Farewell"

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