Crash of glass and I about-faced
mid-fold toward the unwelcomed
sound. Too many chores
and now this interuption.
Sarah stood shell-shocked,
toes recoiled from shards
and slivers. A puddle
swept around the footstool,
carrying the head of a daisy
in its wake.
Small hands pulled at the
pockets of dandelion-stained shorts,
never to come clean; cockleburrs
velcroed to once-white socks;
a decision made as quickly
as the jar became fragments.
Brown eyes never left my back
as I walked to the hutch and
took out a prized vase of cut crystal,
then stooped to collect
the weeds that had been plucked
with childish wonder.
And Sarah arranged her
priceless bouquet as I
mopped up the glass shards
and water.
June 27, 2000
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