Here are some really fun sites to visit.
  Michael's Home Turf -for over 1700 of the coolest sound waves
  Amazing Free Web Stuff
  Trendy Magic
  April Fools
  Measurement Convertor

Here are some great graphic sites.
 Zypraphics-For excellent graphic headings.
 Digital Blasphemy-You wont believe these backgrounds,this guy is brilliant.
 Animation Factory
 Great animated Gifs
 Ronnis Backgrounds.
 The Skull
 Bimsan's Web graphics"

Hey with the help of Real Audio listen to some of these great live to air radio stations.
  International Radio -a cool radio site
  SA-FM  South Australia- best of 70's,80's &90's
  Mulray Live-2WS FM Sydney Live
  Radio Tower - Radio Stations around the world.
  Net Radio

Send some of these great card sites to your friends.

  Fantasy Cards on Eliki
  Jasmines Greetings Cards
  Blue Mountains Arts
  Bear Island Cards
  Barking Cards
  Select a Bouquet
Courtesy Of Eliki Cards

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Graphic Headings byZygraphics

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