1. You change your loon to a loud piercing siren that can be heard for miles so as you don't miss a page

2. You get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and stop to check if anyone is on line, and then sit there instead and chat.

3. You put lol's in your snail mail

4. You start to get the withdrawal shakes if you are unable to use powwow for a couple of hours.

5. You carry a picture of your computer in your wallet with those of your kids

6. You install a computer in your bathroom so as not to miss any chat time

7. You leave your answer machine on when you leave the house so you wont miss any messages

8. You keep forgetting to eat cause you are too busy chatting

9. Your spouse complains that you dont talk to them enough so you buy another computer for them and load powwow on it

10. When camping, you hear a loon, and wonder who is running PowWow

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