Fellows 2000

Reunion for the new millennium

Welcome to the Fellows 2000 Reunion Guestbook!

Bob Fellows - 04/07/03
E-Mail: BobFFellows@aol.com
Hometown: St. Albans, United Kingdom

Comments: Hi to all the thousands of people named Fellows!

Linda Siegrist - 03/29/00
E-Mail: lbsiegrist@yahoo.com
Hometown: Waukon, IA

Comments: Hi, everyone! We keep checking to see what's new and are anxiously anticipating seeing everyone. Senior moments gather more quickly it seems. My original intent in this letter was to ask help in finding an album I'd put together of reunion photos not seen since Cincinnati. Seems all I had to do was start this, and I was sent to "the spot"! If only all challenges were so easy. We're hoping the Kingdome demolition has not hindered plans for the Fellows gathering! Looking forward to seeing all.

Ann and John Christenson - 02/20/00
E-Mail: annjdc@aol.com
Hometown: St. Peter, MN

Comments: Looking forward to seeing folks in August.

Jan Fellows - 02/17/00
E-Mail: bertjan@aol.com
Hometown: Boise, ID, and Mesa, AZ

Comments: Bert says there's a lot to look at, so I decided to check it out. Talk to you soon.

Bert and Jan Fellows - 02/17/00
E-Mail: bertjan@aol.com
Hometown: Boise, ID, and Mesa, AZ

Comments: Sure is looking good. With our computer giving us fits this winter, we have not visited the site in quite some time. Is there a way to place all known e-mail addresses in the web site? Tennis is going great, and my softball leg is getting a workout. And the potlucks from all areas keep rolling in -- with calories, too. Tracy and Nancy have done a great job, and TG for John Heldt and the web page. Off to pancake breakfast, then softball; oops, stained glass first, then tennis, then softball. Need a web page for my schedule!

Louise Fellows Beil - 02/12/00
E-Mail: melobeil@commplusis.net
Hometown: Chili, WI

Comments: It's exciting to think of the Fellows reunion in the Seattle area. Lots of excellent planning and "work" has already been done. Look forward to seeing everyone in August!

Linda Higgins - 02/05/00
E-Mail: pwmuffin@uswest.net
Hometown: Albuquerque, NM

Comments: Hello to all! Wish I could attend, but work calls! I'd love to hear from all who are the "keepers of the records" as I'm keeping the Fellows line with the Higgins line. Love that genealogy. I attended the Colorado Springs reunion with my "other" mom Jinny and dad Cal Higgins. I'm glad Jinny shared her family with me. Look forward to hearing from some of you.

Jim and Ruth Crawford - 02/03/00
E-Mail: jrcra4d@aol.com
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO

Comments: Our calendar is marked and we are looking forward to being with everyone at the Fellows reunion in August! Thanks for all the good work that has been done and is being done to organize the 2000 gathering in Seattle!

Katy Dale (Daughter of Ann Fellows Christenson) - 02/03/00
E-Mail: ktjond@aol.com
Hometown: Riverside, IA

Comments: I sure hope we can attend the reunion this year. Count me in on the baseball game! We have a new addition to the family geneology. On January 14, 2000, my husband Jonathan and I were blessed with a beautiful daughter -- Magdalena (Maggie) Susan.

Aunt Fran - 02/01/00
E-Mail: FEFK@AOL.com
Hometown: Houston, TX

Comments: I am just glad things are rolling.

Pam Weber - 01/30/00
E-Mail: pweber@dnvr.uswest.net
Hometown: Denver, CO

Comments: John, great job! We are marking our calendars and plan on attending. A lot has happened in the Fellows extended clan in the last few years. It will be great to catch up. Love that you are trying to update the genealogy of the clan. Keep in touch!

Mary Brooks - 01/10/00
E-Mail: brooksm@wdm.k12.ia.us
Hometown: West Des Moines, IA

Comments: Linda Siegrist forwarded the site to my sister, Jane, who sent it to me. I now have it bookmarked! Bob and I probably won't be able to attend the reunion, as it looks like school will starting in Iowa that week! (As Bob is retiring June 30, 2000, he won' be returning to school, but he will be at our cabin in Minnesota fishing during that time!) I'll look forward to keeping in touch through the website! Thanks, Mary Brooks

Tracy Larson - 11/12/99
E-Mail: waironwks@aol.com
Hometown: Seattle, WA

Comments: John, the site looks great. We are working on final scheduling details and prices. Hope to have info to you shortly. Also, we expect to send a letter out to everyone with info and the web site address -- so you should start getting a lot more hits here. Please update Vaughn's and my address to: 100 1st Avenue South, #19, Seattle, WA 98104.

Bill and Kitty Prescott - 11/05/99
E-Mail: WPrescott@aol.com
Hometown: Santa Ana, CA

Comments: Thanks so much for all the hard work on this!

Linda Siegrist - 11/04/99
E-Mail: jerlin@means.net
Hometown: Waukon, IA

Comments: John, you've done a really a great job! Looking forward to seeing everyone. John Fellows, sure hope we can figure out how to send the info you want for the geneology. That will be super! See everyone in August!

John Fellows - 11/04/99
E-Mail: fellowsjj@aol.com
Hometown: Springfield, VA

Comments: You can download PAF 4.0 at www.familysearch.org for free.

John Fellows - 11/04/99
E-Mail: fellowsjj@aol.com
Hometown: Springfield, VA

Comments: John Heldt:

Great start. Looks very good. The best part is that all the activities are free! Thank Heaven for Nancy and Daddy Bert! The Mariners game looks like a 7:05 PM start against the Detroit Tigers. Things don't look good for being able to see Junior in the field. I'm bummed!


How does it look for us getting a good block of tickets? When do you think we'll have to have a 90-percent solution on numbers of attendees?


Please go to to download the PAF 4.0 geneology software. Input all of your family information from present to the "fellows link". Save the information as a .ged or gedcom file, then attach and e-mail it to me. I will work with Christine Lathrop (she probably doesn't know this yet) and produce a Fellows_2000 family tree/geneology database for distribution at the reunion. PAF 4.0 is a free download and can accept multi-media info as well. The information (a .jpg or any picture file) can be associated with an individual record (you or our ancestors) so when you click on their name you can also see what they look(ed) like. As good looking as the Fellows are, this is a nice addition. Anyway, if you have a scanned picture, please send to me. If unable to do so, send a snapshot to me for inclusion. I (we'll) do the best we can to make this as accurate a record as possible. That's why everyone's input is necessary. However, work together and get one person to compile and send common info (i.e., I have Bert Fellows and all his brood and most of Linda and Nancy's). Send if in doubt and I'll merge the duplicate data. Think about your talents. Get ready to present. Develop one between now and then so you can share with all of us. My mom is going to take belly dance lessons between now and then so she can perform. All my best to the family and we look forward to seeing y'all (that's from Julia).

Love, John, Julia, Katie (10), Alyssa (7), and Kent (5)

Bert and Jan Fellows - 11/02/99
E-Mail: bertjan@aol.com
Hometown: Mesa, AZ

Comments: Great job, John! Thanks a million. Do you think we should move it to Boise now? We could have great tennis is Mesa! Thanks again.

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