Welcome Please sign in.

05/09/99 01:46:20
Name: Frank / Thog / Freewheel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Les Miserables Favorite Bible Verse: ( ? ) th' one where Ezekiel sees a Klingon Battle Cruiser ? : ) Favorite Hymn: "Little Wing", by Jimi Hendrix !
Favorite Food: Water from glacial melt, preserved for 1,000's of years inside the granite of Mt. Katahdin, at the northernmost end of the Appalachian Trail ! Favorite Authur: Ambrose Beirce, especially, his stories of the American Civil War.

The red saurian Salutes the emerald-green drake !

Time presses on, - I only read your page on Parenting.
Here's a neat site :
Seems like, after reading it just a little bit, that they have a true and practised awareness about Anti-Male Bias, which seems indeed to be a prevailing factor, in so many of these situations where the kids lose.

Magic & Blessings, light & hope & peace, -

02/26/99 23:09:03
Name: Elaina Hemingway
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Good Luck on Your Fight to Victory.


02/26/99 02:12:06
Name: Lisa Holder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Psalms Favorite Bible Verse: All of them Favorite Hymn: The Fight is on (haha)
Favorite Food: Pizza Pizza Favorite Authur: Don't have one Church Affiliation: Thanks To Calvary (you know this already)


02/26/99 02:11:19
Name: Lisa Holder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Psalms Favorite Bible Verse: All of them Favorite Hymn: The Fight is on (haha)
Favorite Food: Pizza Pizza Favorite Authur: Don't have one Church Affiliation: Thanks


02/24/99 06:06:45
Name: D'Katnip Fairy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*sprink< FONT>les*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

You've ~*~ Been ~*~ Dusted

By ~*~ D'Katnip ~< FONT>*~ Fairy!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*sprinkles*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* FONT COLOR="#00FF00">~

From up in the starry sky above,
I saw your site, your glowing Spirit!
I hovered above, admiring your site from afar,
Then dove down, to play in the midst of it!
The Spirit was even stronger than I had thou ht before,
And I stayed to play here more and more!

Now I'll ~*sprinkle*~ your site with my own special fairy dust--
I keep ome katnip in with it to make you go wild with Spirit!
Now take this Spirit Stick and pass it on,
So that everyone can know your Spirit sparkles!

And don't forget to Shout it Out
And cheer your whole team on!

Good luck from D'Katnip Fairy!

02/23/99 22:15:34
Name: Ms. Pandabear
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Bobby Jack!! Wanted to stop by and visit you and wish you all the very best in the Site Fights. I will be watching your progress and hope to see you go to the top. Go DTIGERS!!!! Take care, Shout it Out and Pass the Spirit!!! Hugs, Ms. Pandabear

< enter>
DTiger HeartsJad Fairy

Ms. Pandabear's Treehouse

02/21/99 22:20:10
Name: Wee One Roo My Email: Email Me Favorite Book: hmm...hmm...that's a hard one
Favorite Bible Verse: What? No, I don't read the bible Favorite Hymn: I'm Jewish! Favorite Food: ice cream- hehe
Favorite Authur: Authur? Author? well, for author it's Lloyd Alexander Church Affiliation: I'm Jewish...


*Wee One Roo hops on in* ~~ sprinkle ~~ sprinkle ~~ Wee One Roo's come to tickle you! Good luck in the fights! Don't forget to share the spirit and Shout it Out!! ~~ sprinkle ~~ ~~ sprinkle ~~ *Wee One Roo hops away*

02/21/99 16:31:26
Name: Fairy Aphrodite
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Close your eyes. And smell a rose.
Then say under your breath:
"I believe in fairies, sure as death."
Gadflykins! Gladtrypins!
Gutterpuss and Cass!
Spreading my Good Luck
And leaving you with some Dust.

Fairy Aphrodite
Don't forget to SHOUT IT OUT
Here's a spirit stick for you to pass around!

02/20/99 21:03:23
Name: Jackie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


I've come to say hello
and to leave some cheer.
I'm giving you this spirit stick
please pass it on from here.

02/20/99 05:59:11
Name: M. Michele Brown My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Too many to name Favorite Bible Verse: Job 42:15 Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace
Favorite Food: Mongolian BBQ Favorite Authur: Clancy, McCaffrey, Lackey..... Church Affiliation: none


Have a blast with DTiger's
Great Spirit!

Please accept this spirit stick

be sure to use it well.
Post a Shout In Shout It Out.
Everyone will think you are swell!

Please come visit Michele's Site Fights Spirit Page

02/17/99 04:35:33
Name: Eileen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Bible Favorite Bible Verse: John 16:33 Favorite Hymn: Blessed Assurance
Favorite Food: Pasta Church Affiliation: Baptist

Jenn left your name in my guestbook. I hope you'll do the same. God bless you and your ministry,and I pray that he strengthens you in your role as a father.Great site! Eileen

02/15/99 07:36:09
Name: Mark & Lori
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Hello We came to visit your page and wish you good luck, We would love to exchange votes with you
In The Site Fights , And to pass on the Spirit Stick

Come and Visit us Soon
Mark & Lori Extreme Power

02/15/99 07:04:11
Name: Fairy Skylight
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me



I came from up in the sky,
Way above Any lights, For I heard
You Are involved In The Totally, Awesome, Cool
Site Fights, And I didn't come empty Handed, I come
To bring you some very important and special stuff,
My first gift I shall leave you, Is A very special
Spirit Stick, Please pass this on as a Token, Of friendship,
And Spirit, And Pride

So remember to Shout it Out, Everyday Post your 5 cheers,
Daily, As this is What us Fairy's Love to See and Hear, So Show your
Spirit and your Pride, And Make us hear your Awesome Pride.
And always remember to keep the Spirit  Alive, Remember This
Is where Friendship begin, Good Luck, And have a Fantastic
Time in The Site Fights

02/15/99 02:46:06
Name: Fairy Vinaraba My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Too many.. Favorite Bible Verse: Genesis:1, 1 Favorite Hymn: On Eagles Wings
Favorite Food: Salad Favorite Authur: Lurlene McDaniel Church Affiliation: Catholic


*~*~*Spr /FONT>inkles*~*~*
This is Fairy Vinaraba and I'm here to say,
Good luck in The Site Fights every day.
Shout it out, and cast your votes,
Keep up your spirit, it might be close.
Remember these fights are not a war,
it's about friendship, so give a Tiger ROAR!!
Good luck in the fights, your site is great,
I'm off now, I must not be late!
*~*~*Spr /FONT>inkles*~*~*
***passes along the spirit stick, and dusts your guestbook lavishly with my fairy dust***

02/11/99 18:42:37
Name: F'Lessa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Book: The Weyr


Hi there
I'm a fellow site fighter, come to visit your site!
Just wanted to let you know what a terrific page you have.
I'm so impressed!!!!
Keep up the great work and good luck in the Site Fights

I'm also in thr fights for the Darksbane Dragons:)
I'd love to exchange votes with you, I'm a loyal voter with 2 IP's
my voting url is: http://www.thesitefights.com/fight2b.htm

let me know if you'd like to exchange :)

02/11/99 02:25:02
Name: Lady DBlazin' My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Bible Verse: Ecl. 3:1 Favorite Hymn: My Jesus, I Love Thee Favorite Food: Pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Church Affiliation: Same as yours, when I can go!

Hello, Tiger! Hope I didn't scare ya!
Allow me to Introduce myself,
I'm Lady DBlazin', one of your DTiger Fairies
I spread dust and watch for spirit
Do you have it? Let me hear it!
Come with me toShout It Out!
And Roar LOUD your Tiger Pride!


You have been dusted by:

Lady DBlazin'!


Let all hear
The Spirit within
Let your spirit glow
How knows what you'll win?

So I must leave
your won'drous site

But I leave my spirit,
and good luck in the Fights!

~*~^~*~ROAR DTIGERS! Woo!~*~^~*~

02/07/99 17:15:21
Name: Wee One Lady Bug My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:1 Favorite Hymn: Amzing Grace
Church Affiliation: Weslyn



You have now been dusted by Wee One Lady Bug!

Good Luck in the Site Fights!

Remember to pass the spirit!!!Shout It Out!

Happy Valentine's Day!


01/24/99 07:24:19
Name: Carol Roberts My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Bible Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:28 Favorite Hymn: How Great Thou Art
Church Affiliation: Church of the Nazarene

My husband and I are very active in the Atwater Church of the Nazarene in Atwater, California. You can find out more abuot us by going to our home page. You can find our testimonies there also.

11/01/98 18:56:55
Name: Susan/Red Huntress/Grumbleness My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 139 Favorite Hymn: Lord of the Dance
Favorite Food: Lasagna Favorite Authur: Mercedes Lackey Church Affiliation: UMC - with many MANY reservations :o}

Hi Bretoven! I am enjoying your page. It is great to find a Christian who is not scared that (with mature Christians) fantasy and role playing will lead to Satanic possession. I wish you good luck in your future political arenas, sorry you are out of my v ting area. Hey! Check out my Latchkey Program's Homepage - we need more email pen pals! www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/6501

10/03/98 01:13:43
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/12/98 05:10:46
Name: schon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: summit Favorite Bible Verse: phams 106 Favorite Hymn: this is the day
Favorite Food: sea food Favorite Authur: s williams Church Affiliation: all

thanks for letting me see this

08/02/98 04:42:18
Name: Fairy Dolphine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Food: Pizza =)



~*~*~*~*~* Sprinkle~Sprinkle~Sprinkle*~*~*~*~*~

Hi There! I’m Fairy Dolphine and I’m here to spread the Spirit and
wish you Good Luck in the Fights! I am a brand new Fairy, so I hope ya
don’t mind, but I spilled a little dust on my way in and made a little bit of a mess =)

~*~*~*~*~* Sprinkle~Sprinkle~Sprinkle*~*~*~*~*~

Well, I must say I enjoyed my stay at your wonderful spirited site!
Here’s a Spirit Stick from me to you, aww heck, have two! And an extra to pass onto a friend, just so the spirit will never end!

I’m off to spread more Spirit and Dust the night away, but before I leave, just wanted to say…
Dont forget to Shout it Out , post 5 cheers a day, and you’ll be amazed at the Spirit that comes your way!

07/31/98 12:03:21
Name: Amethyst
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfed into your site and really enjoyed my visit to your site.


07/30/98 15:59:16
Name: D'BluesNote Fairy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me




Groovin' To The Tune Of Joy And Cheer,
Thought I'd Lay Down My Sax And Take A Look Around Here.
Man, You Have A Page With Class And Style,
So I Thought I'd Hang Around For Awhile.
Now I Don't Play Guitar So I Can't Leave You A Pick,
So Instead I Leave You A Spirit Stick.

Now Spread The Cheer Man,
And Pass It On To As Many As You Can.
Don't Forget To Shout It Out /FONT>
And Let Everyone Know What Spirit Is All About!

Your Page Is Really Out Of Site Man,
But Now It's Time For Me To Jam.
On To Share The Blues With Another,
And I Hope You Enjoyed Your Visit From A Blues Brother!

By The Way Man, You've Been Dusted,
I Realy Dig This Fairy Stuff

Hey Man, I Thought You'd DIG This!

07/30/98 10:33:20
Name: Fairy Glimmer
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

~*~*~Sprinkles, Sparkle, Twinkle~*~*~ You have been dusted by Fairy Glimmer, I am in training with the Cherub Champions. I have fluttered by today to give your site a Spirit Check. I wish you good luck in the fights this week, remember to post your cheers in Shout It Out, and let the fun begin!


A Fairy Fluttered By Today,

With Shouts Of Joy To Give.


That Is What Its All About,

Reach Down Deep, Let It Ring;

Go Ahead And Shout!

So Post Your Cheers, And When You Do;

I May Have A Special Surprise For You.

Spirit Shown Brightly Can't Be Denied,

Display Your Team's Banner With Pride.

Show Your Team Spirit In All That You Do,

Those Within DFairy's Realm, Are Watching Over You.

Visit The Realm Of DFairy

07/30/98 08:26:24
Name: Fairy Angelique
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Hear Ye Hear Ye.... DFairy is offering an Award!
So a wee Fairy has come pleading, it seems.
The DTigers can win this if they want to,
The just have to play as a team.

The DTigers are interested I see!
"How do I get involved?", you say?
Go to the Shout it Out now,
And post Five Shouts Every Day!

Let everyone hear our RRROOOAAARRRSSS!!!!
The DTigers are ready to play.
We won't be leaving anytime soon.
And we're here to forever stay!

Other teams do their shouting,
On a daily basis, never lacking.
So I sit here and hang my head sadly,
To say we are taking a great Sacking.

Our Spirit is not shining,
For everyone there to see.
This Fairy must not be doing her job,
And this truly makes her weep!

07/22/98 21:10:59
Name: Spirit Silverflame My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Church Affiliation: *smile*



A fiery Essense has come your way
To ignite the Spark of the Spirit
A Spirinkling of Dust to make your day
And to spread joy to all that's near it!

You have been sprinkled by:

If whenever you're about
Post a cheer at Shout it Out!

I must now leave your won'drous site

But I leave my spirit, and good luck in the Fights!

07/22/98 20:02:00
Name: Fairy Lullaby
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


When You Wish Upon A Star
Makes No Difference Who You Are
Anything Your Heart Desires
Will Come To You
If Your Heart Is In Your Dream
No Request Is Too Extreme
When You Wish Upon A Star
As dreamers do
Like A Bolt Out Of The Blue
Fate Steps In To See You Through
When You Wish Upon A Star
Your Dreams Come True


While You Were Away I Dusted You For Luck

Shout It Out

Good Luck In Your Fight

07/22/98 03:36:36
Name: Wee One Silver Belle
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Here I come, a-ringy ding ding
Tingle a-ling ling, here me sing!
Carrying my fairy dust pot
On the tip of my wing!

I landed softly and quietly
No heard me I'll wage
And left tiny footprints of fairydust
All over your page.

A DTiger Wee One has come
To Share the Spirit
Ringing my bell softly
Listen carefully and you'll hear it.

I gave you an itty bitty Tickle
Just to see and hear you giggle
Post your cheers at the Shout it Out
Or I'll just sit here in your guestbook and pout!

07/22/98 03:27:19
Name: Fairy Angelique
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


~*~*~ S p r i n k l e ~*~*~ S p r i n k l e ~*~*~

Fairy Angelique has come to whisper in your ear,
A secret she has for you and for you alone,
You have a marvelous site I see.
One you can proudly call your home!

Why not share that secret to all?
Hurry to the DTiger DWall.
Ten buttons a week you can send.
Let's build that until it falls!

You are a DTiger, why not let all know,
That your team spirit is alive and well.
Post 5 cheers a day at the Shout It Out
And let your DTiger ROARS yell!

Should you find yourself in need
Of some buttons, banners, HTML and such.
Go visit the DElves and DGnomes in DForest, now
They are known for their magical touch.

I will leave now knowing you are just fine,
To the DWall you will help build,
To the Shout It Out you will travel,
Sharing the Spirit; I know that you will!

07/22/98 03:24:54
Name: Wee One Chaos
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Tonight while you were sleeping,
Someone found your guestbook.
He got so very excited because,
He saw one he had overlooked.

So, he got busy dusting and tickling
Spilled fairy dust all over the place.
Got your guestbook all shiny and sticky,
And got most of the dust on his face!

His intentions are really quite good,
He's just a spirited sprite!
He's a little over zealous with his job,
And will go to incredible heights!

His name is, you guessed it... Chaos,
I'm sure you have heard of him,
He leaves such a telltale reminder!
A Wee One, yes .... he's one of dem!


07/20/98 15:28:45
Name: Lady Garfield
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me



to the DTigers.

I am

Lady Garfield

the Team Leader of the DTiger Fairies.

I came by to visit, ~*~sprinkle~*~ and welcome you to the DTigers.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I came to visit your homepage,
And to ~*~s-p-r-i-n-k-l-e~*~ it for luck too.

Good luck in the DTigers Site Fights.

Post A Cheer in SHOUT IT OUT!

07/16/98 07:04:42
Name: Fairy Angelique
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


~*~*~ S p r i n k l e ~*~*~ S p r i n k l e ~*~*~

Fairy Angelique has come to whisper in your ear,
A secret she has for you and for you alone,
You have a marvelous site I see.
One you can proudly call your home!

Why not share that secret to all?
Hurry to the DTiger DWall.
Ten buttons a week you can send.
Let's build that until it falls!

You are a DTiger, why not let all know,
That your team spirit is alive and well.
Post 5 cheers a day at the Shout It Out
And let your DTiger ROARS yell!

Should you find yourself in need
Of some buttons, banners, HTML and such.
Go visit the DElves and DGnomes in DForest, now
They are known for their magical touch.

I will leave now knowing you are just fine,
To the DWall you will help build,
To the Shout It Out you will travel,
Sharing the Spirit; I know that you will!

07/16/98 07:03:37
Name: Wee One Chaos
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Tonight while you were sleeping,
Someone found your guestbook.
He got so very excited because,
He saw one he had overlooked.

So, he got busy dusting and tickling
Spilled fairy dust all over the place.
Got your guestbook all shiny and sticky,
And got most of the dust on his face!

His intentions are really quite good,
He's just a spirited sprite!
He's a little over zealous with his job,
And will go to incredible heights!

His name is, you guessed it... Chaos,
I'm sure you have heard of him,
He leaves such a telltale reminder!
A Wee One, yes .... he's one of dem!


07/14/98 19:32:53
Name: Jackie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: not sure Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:16 Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace
Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Authur: Piers Anthony Church Affiliation: Lutheran


Made for me with love by Julie at Ziggy's Pub What A Great Page!!!! I will definitely be back for more visits, and to see your updates!

Here is a piece of tiger spirit from me to you!

Would you like to exchange votes ??? Email me !

Vote for The Mystical Place

07/14/98 06:06:24
Name: ~D'Cat Fairy~
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


  ~~~*~*~pad, pad, pad~*~*~~~  
you have been dusted by a Spirit Fairy from the Site Fights


I was Stalking through the night,
When I Padded by Your site,
Then I just had to stay,
So throughout your site I decided to Play,
Now I wish you luck and cheer,
For D'Cat Fairy Was Here!

And now I leave a Spirit Stick or three; Pass one on, Keep one from ME; Take the third to Shout It Out< ONT COLOR="#7502DD">; And show what your Spirit is all about!

Drop by my home

And A Friend's Too!

 Now Unfortunately It's Time For Me To Go,
But I Shook Some Dust From My Paws,
So You Can Let Everyone Know,
D'Cat Fairy Purrred Here & Your Site Was The Cause!


07/13/98 17:01:15
Name: DBlazin' Fairy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: hmm... Favorite Hymn: My Jesus, I love Thee Favorite Food: Food! hehe!
Church Affiliation: As if you didn't know, Bob!



With flaming wings, I fly around
Spreading Spirit all around
DBlazin' Fairy came to say
Don't forget toShout It Out today!

You have been dusted by:

DBlazin' Fairy!

I must now leave your won'drous site

But I leave my spirit, and good luck in the Fights!


07/13/98 16:54:30
Name: WeeOneDoggie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Book: Saving Casey
Favorite Authur: K. A. Applegate

This is Wee One Doggie Here Up and ready to spread some cheer You are a Tiger, so be proud Go and ROAR It Out real Loud Come join us there today And throw your cheers our way Come and shout it out in here You might just have DLoudest Cheer So lets get your spirit Fun the fun Cause in the Site Fights That's how it's done

07/13/98 14:30:33
Name: Lady Garfield
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me



to the DTigers.

I am

Lady Garfield

the Team Leader of the DTiger Fairies.

I came by to visit, ~*~sprinkle~*~ and welcome you to the DTigers.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I came to visit your homepage,
And to ~*~s-p-r-i-n-k-l-e~*~ it for luck too.

Good luck in the DTigers Site Fights.

Post A Cheer in SHOUT IT OUT!

07/05/98 21:29:24
Name: Thog My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: "Winter's Tale", by Mark Helperin Favorite Bible Verse: the one where they tell about how the Tower of Babel project collapsed, due to too many overspecialized languages - - Favorite Hymn: almost anything as sung by Amelita Galli-Curci !
Favorite Food: has no preservatives ! Favorite Authur: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Church Affiliation: depthless void

Wait a minute ! I was only the *FIRST* one to go to the page on single male parenting ?? How is this possible ? Where are they all ??

07/05/98 21:11:05
Name: Thog My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Book: "The Master and Margarita", by Mikhail Bulgakov Favorite Bible Verse: uh - the one where the Nazz says : "you have stained at a gnat, and swallowed a camel". Favorite Hymn: "Brokedown Palace" - by Jerry Garcia, Billy Kreutzman, Bob Wier, - you know : )
Favorite Food: Corn on D'Cob ! Favorite Authur: Samuel Clemens Church Affiliation: some kind of pagan

Happy 4th o' July !

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