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I am Interium Pastor at Luray Church of the Nazarene. I have an AA degree in Music and a BA in Bible and Religion. I have done work on my MA at Indiana Weslyan University, I am currently working on a MA of theology at Anderson University SOT.

I have attended Mt.Vernon Nazarene College, Ashland Community College/University of Kentucky (AA), Olivet Nazarene University, Anderson University (BA). Indiana Weslyan University.

I served as Minister of Music at United New Hope Church of the Nazarene for 16 years and as Associate Pastor for 2 years. I directed the youth program for 7 years. I served as Associate Pastor at Warren Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene for 1 year. I have volunteered work at Wayside Mission for 20 years. That has included holding evangelistic services, doing concerts, volunteer labor, drive a truck, and many more services.

I am enjoying my work at Luray, but would consider holding special services for your church.


---Rev. E. Ruth Wesley---(My former Pastor at United New Hope)

I am writing this letter of recomendation in behalf of Bro. Bob Brewer, who has acknowledged God's call on his life to become an evangelist.

Bro Brewer was serving as Music Director when I came to United New Hope to pastor, he has continued to serve faithfully in that capacity the 8 years I have been here. His love for his Lord, preaching the Word, and Gospel Music are all very apparent.

Bro. Brewer has gifts and talents that I believe are from the Lord.

He is a blessing to our church and I'm sure he would be to you also, weather it be his preaching or his music ministry.

In His Service,

Ruth Wesley Church Phone (765)289-6917
address; 4101 S. Eaton
Muncie IN 47302

Rev. Rozlyn E. McKenzie says: (Died Jan. 2002)

I have known Bobby Brewer for approximately 18 years. I know that he loves the Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart.

It is my firm belief that Bobby would be an asset to your congregation with his music and knowledge of the Word of God.

He has held gospel services for us at Wayside Mission all the years I've known him. His repoire with young people is good and he also has a heart for the elderly.

If your Church is looking for someone to minister music and the Word. Bobby is the man for you

Yours in the work that counts,

Rozlyn E. McKenzie,

Rev. Darrell K. Young

This letter of recommendation is written in behalf of Bob Brewer. I belive that Brother Brewer would be a blessing to you and your congregation in the area of music and preaching.

Bob has ministered in our Church both musically and proclaiming the Word of God in preaching. Through his ministry at a youth camp meeting, several people came to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Brother Bob has been a blessing to our Church Family. I know he is a devoted Christian. His love for the Lord is very apparent. . Having Brother Brewer minister to your Church congregation, would be a delight to your church.

In Christ's Love,

Rev. Darrell K. Young Phone (618)587-6791

For more information Email me at

or write to Bobby Jack Brewer
P.O. 601 S. Gallatin #3
Marion, IN 46953
or phone (765)749-1331

Please come back soon and visit me.

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