The Lair 

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As you enter into the unknown Realm of Evil, you're common sense tells you to turn around and leave, but you're drawn more deeper down. With no light but your torch, the surroundings are dull and gloomy.. Suddenly the scontches on the wall ignite in an unearthly fire. The torch you're holding goes out. A strange magical fog approaches you. Just as you step back it thins. A figure of a man stands there. He motions you to a large oak chair, finely carved with strange etchings. As you sit you feel at ease... the chair being more comfortable than it looks. As the figure sits besides you, you hear a voice say...

"What brings you to my sleeping chambers this unholy night. Oh, how rude of me, here, have a drink. Then we shall talk."

The bronze figure hands you a challace of gold. The red smoke coming from it has a sweet, almost hypnotic smell. As you scan the room you notice that it is quite beautiful. Four statues of almost perfect women stand there, supporting the giant bed, with a flowing silver canopy that reflects like a mirror. Transparent blue curtains hang down around it. They are pulled back on one side allowing you to see inside. Large pillows of gold lay there. As you turn you see a shadow of a imp.

"Sorry, my child, my favorite tells me that I am needed elsewhere. Please, make yourself at home. You look tired, lie down, I'll be back shortly. You will be safe, my guards will be at the door."

As the figure leaves, thru the crack of the door you see a figure of a pitfiend standing guard. You know now you must truely be in HELL!