Dawn's Secret Santa Program
If you are interested in participating in the Secret Santa Gift Exchange, you need to email
Andrea @ alexandi@earthlink.net with the following information by
1) Your name and address
2) A Dawn doll you might like to have
3) A stock mini you might like to have
4) A Gown you need
5) An accessory you need
6) An outfit you could only dream of owning
Here is how the Secret Santa Gift exchange will work:
All of the Secret Santa "wish lists" will be collected. Once Andrea has all the information on everyone, Andrea and her "Secret Santa Elf" will match everyone up with their own personal Secret Santa. You then will be sent the "wish list" and address information of the person you will be the Secret Santa for.
We don't want to stress anyone out over sending a Dawn gift, so here are some simple guidelines:
You can send any Dawn doll, gown, stock mini,or Dawn accessory that you choose. This gift can be something off of the wish list that you receive, but it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE something off of the wish list. You can send just any individual piece that you would like, you are not obligated to put together a doll, outfit and an accessory. This can be as simple or as fancy as you would like it to be. If you wish to include more with your gift, that is up to you.
All Secret Santa gifts must be mailed out no later than DECEMBER 10, 1998 (we want to make sure everyone has their gift in time for Christmas Day!) But, NO PEEKING until Christmas!!!!
Secret Santa gifts are a SECRET, so lets please try to keep it that way. You may enclose a card with your gift, however please don't sign whom it is FROM. Be creative, mail to another friend and have her mail it again. Let's really try to be sneaky!
Starting on 12/25 you can post what you received from your Secret Santa on the newsgroup, and all Secret Santas will be revealed. It will be lots of fun to see what everyone got from their Secret Santa!
Don't forget to email Andrea with your Secret Santa info. Andrea's email address is: alexandi@earthlink.net
The more people who participate, the more fun this will be, so invite all of your Dawn friends to join us!