Welcome to the VISION page of AGAPE Christian Fellowship

Early on in the existence of this ministry the individual members were encouraged to write down thier visions for themselves and/or this ministry. These visions are presented here, many of these people (those whose names are underlined) welcome your comments and would be glad to reply to you if you wish to contact them. Many of the members of AGAPE Christian Fellowship have been led by God to start ministries these will be identified in ( ) and if underlined have their own web pages. Visions List

A list of posted visions:

Agape Christian Fellowship
Pastor's Vision

     As Pastor of Agape Christioan Fellowship, the Lord 
has given me a vision for this ministry with a divine 
purpose.  My visionary outline for Agape Christian 
Fellowship is as folows:

I.    Anointed for this Purpose (Acts 26:16)

      A.  To preach the uncompromising Word of God.
      B.  To experience the presence of the Lord with 
          Might, Power & Glory.

II.   Powerful (Acts 1:8)

      A.  Empowered by the Holy Ghost through prayer.
      B.  Empowered by the Holy Ghost to be witnesses for 
          the Lord Jesus.
      C.  Empowered by the Holy Ghost to equip the Saints 
          to do battle against the enemy.

III.  Fruitful

      A.  Yielding fruit in every area.
          1.  Spiritually
          2.  Physically
          3.  Mentally
          4.  Socially, etc.

IV.   Demonstrative

      A.  A.C.F. will be a platform of encouragement for 
          the fivefold ministry within the body of Christ. 
          (Eph. 4:11-12)
          1.  Birthed within the local church.
          2.  Birthed to function within the local church.
      B.  Gifts of the Spirit (1Corinthians 12:1-12)
          1.  Welcome and allow the gifts to operate.
          2.  Encourage submissiveness to the Holy Spirit.
      C.  Acts 2:42 Church
          1.  Apostle's Doctrine = The Uncompromising 
          2.  Fellowship = Assembling Together.
          3.  Breaking of Bread = Eating/Communion.
          4.  Prayer = Spiritually Bonding and edifying.
      D.  Character of Jesus
          1.  Allow the Holy Ghost to Glorify Jesus by 
              giving us all that He is.(John 16:13-15)
          2.  Fruit of the Spirit = the Character of Jesus.
              (Galatians 5:22-25)
      E.  Discipleship
          1.  Disciplined in Christ.
          2.  When we press in to find where He is, we 
              find out Who We Are!

V.    Integrity
      A.  Purpose: (Acts 26:16)
      B.  Person:  Upright, righteous, etc.
      C.  Purse:  Accountable to Congregation and God.

VI.   Family Ministry

      A.  Every menber of family.
      B.  All age groups.

VII.  Locally Minded

      A.  Promote unity with the Body of Christ - locally.
      B.  Be involved in community.
      C.  Make an impact in local community with Jesus.

VIII. Rekgional Outreach

      A.  Platform for future ministries to grow.
      B.  Multimedia outreaches:
          1.  Televiion
          2.  Radio
          3.  Printing
          4.  Mail, etc.

IX.   National/International

      A.  Evangelism Outreach = Media
      B.  Missionary Outreach
      C.  Teams of different ministries sent out from 

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Vi Foltz (A.C.F. Visitation/Teaching Ministry)

I believe Agape Christian Fellowship is a church of Jesus Christ with a vision, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, God through His Spirit, inspired me in Spirit to go to Agape Christian Fellowship and to become part of this assembly of His fellowship in our Lord Jesus.

I am humbled and do not boast, save only in blood and spirit of my Lord Jesus Christ. And that He was fit to place His call of service on my life as a teacher of His Word, to teach without compromise the unadulterated Word of God brought forth by the Holy Spirit. It is my belief that all Christians must know and understand in their heart the Word as God meant it and to grow in Spirit, to experience and see what the Spirit has in store for us as believers.

I saw the vision for Agape Christian Fellowship that this was to be a mother church unto many ministries, and God has a plan already mapped out for Agape Christian Fellowship as a church inspired by a vision.

In humbleness of Spirit, we can reach the goal he has set forth to us. I believe this ministry of teaching and helps ministries He has entrusted to me, such as: hospital and nurshing home visitation, counseling to brothers and sisters in Christ that need emotional or spiritual healing through the wisdom of the Word of God. I believe these will help to benefit Agape Christian Fellowship as He sees fit in His timing of events and circumstances according to His good pleasure.

In summation, we must serve with a vision and a goal and to be fully aware "We are nothing without Him", but "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Love always in Christ,
. . . . Vi Foltz

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Steve & Carolyn Goodale (A.C.F. Youth Ministry)

The young people of this country are in a real crisis! They are surrounded by divorce, suicide, crime, immorality, homosexuality, New Age doctrine, and pressure to conform to the world's values. God has birthed a desire in us to reach out to this age group with the Word of God and make disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe that it is time for Christian young people to rise up and take a stand for Godliness! Our focus is to teach the uncompromising Word of God as a source for building strength and character in the hearts of the youth. It is our desire to lead teenagers into a true relationship with Jesus Christ and to see them make a difference in their schools, churches, families, and their world.

Although we plan to have social gatherings for times of fun and frolic, our main purpose is to do the work of our Father through outreaches in our communities, schools, and even around the world. When this generation gets "turned on to Jesus", we will see a mighty change in this world. It has been prophesied that revival will begin in the hearts of the young people - NOW is the time to get ready.

It is a privilege and honor to be a part of this church and a part of this great outpouring of His Spirit!

. . . . . . . . Steve and Carolyn Goodale

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Steve Goodale (A.C.F. Wayfaring Ministries)

God has given a mandate to all believers to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel". As an outreach of Agape Christian Fellowship, I have been given the command to go into prisions and share the Word that will "set the captives free". It is my desire to see men and women make decisions to commit their lives to Christ, and thus become new creations in Him with changed lives.

It is part of the vision of A.F.C. to birth ministries and to be a platform for sending these ministries out to do the work that God has called them to do. It is here that Wayfaring Ministries has been birthed, and as one called to win souls for the Kingdom of God, it is my life's calling to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and practice Isaiah 35.

Currently, I am going into prisons on a monthly basis. I would like to see this opportunity increased to visit more institutions and to hold "on grounds" crusades. I would also like to establish a discipleship grogram to teach and lead new converts into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and to equip them to live the Christian life.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to open doors and provide opportunities for the Word to be preached to the lost with many signs following.

. . . . . . Steve Goodale
. . . . . . . . . . Wayfaring Ministries

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Brenda Jacobs (A.C.F. Prayer Ministry)

It has been said that God does nothing in the earth aside from prayer. I believe the Scriptures bear witness to this. God gave Adam dominion in the earth and even though Adam sinned, that dominion remained. Since that time, He intervenes when one of His children ask.

Prior to Agape's beginning, as we met for prayer regarding the church, Pastor Kelly stated that we are to be an Acts 2:42 church, "They devoted themselves to the asostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Prayer is a dialogue with our Father, in the name of His Son, through the powere of the Holy Spirit. This is vital to revceiving answers to our prayers.

      The prayer ministry of Agape Christian Fellowship 
      will fulfill the call of God to:

1.    Care for each other, being committed to go before 
      the throne of Grace and obtain mercy to help in 
      times of need in behalf of others and our own church
      body.  We will have people committed to pray every
      hour, around the clock, 7 days a week.

2.    We will respond to specific needs as they are called
      in at any time, praying until it is clear to our own
      hearts that this particular need is met.  This will
      not be one person, but a network of BELIEVERS who are
      genuinely committed to pray.

3.    Prayer for guidance for every area of ministry for 
      our church body, for Pastor Kelly and Tina, and 
      David & Karen Meyerand, as our ministers of praise
      and worship and for all those God will add to A.C.F..

4.    God has given instructions in His Word regarding prayer
      and believers need to be taught, not assuming that 
      everyone who is born again necessarily knows how to 
      achieve results.  Therefore, a portion of htis ministry
      will be dedicated to instruction.

Being a part of this ministry and a commitment to obey the call of God, whatever the cost, is not an easy thing to do, but the rewards are great. I encourage you to become a part of theis vital ministry of Agape Christian Fellowship.

. . . . . . . Brenda Jacobs

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Tina Malone (A.C.F. Church, Children & Women's Ministry)

First and foremost, I believe that Pastor Kelly is to "feed the sheep" with a balanced teaching from the Word of God, with revelation from the Holy Spirit to bring growth and maturity to all the Believers that God plants at Agape Christian Fellowship.

I believe A.C.F. is to be an extension of the Hand of God in unity to other churches and local ministries, as well as being a long arm of God extended out to our local community. From our local area, to our nation, and to the world, I believe that we are to send forth those called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and practice true religion.

I believe A.C.F. to be a starting point and growing vineyard for ministies to begin, growing and bringing forth fruit. The Word says we are to be living stones and Jesus is our Cornerstone. I believe Agape Christian Fellowship is to be laid upon the foundation of the Rock of Christ Jesus and that we (each one of us), the Church, living stones to bring forth Christ. Not a building, but a people who love God, by rasing a standard, and sharing His Gopspel with a commitment. Ministering the love of Jesus to every age from day one of conception (praying with and for our pregnant mithers), to the oldest person planted at A/.C.F.

I pray we are Holy Spirit led to organize and birth every program the Lord desires for us to implement for the glory of God with His blessings, bring forth fruit.

The Lord has laid upon my hear personally to play an active role in implementing a wonderful children's work, organizing and creating a program that ministers love and raises a standard while teaching the Word of God.

Secondly, I believe I will help to implement a ministry to women that will draw them closer to Jesus, and to be lifted up in Him, overcoming all obstacles. Raising up women to be sent out mature and freut-bearing from the Word of God, to minister boldly and in the special sensitivity God has given them, taking the land for the Kingdom of God in both their families and in the world.

In conclusion, I believe we are to be co-laborers in Christ, endued with power from on high to accomplish our Father's perfect will. If we choose to walk in unity and forgiveness, if we choose joy and proceed in and with love and prayer, we can do all things through Christ Jesus who is our strength!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . With Love in Jesus, Sharing His Vision!
Tina Malone

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David & Karen Meyerand (A.C.F. Music Ministry)

It is our intention, as priase and worship ministers, to lead the congregation into an atmosphere where the presence of the Lord and His anointing can flow and minister to hearts, heal bodies and minds, and touch/change lives. We pray for God's direction and wisdom in functioning in this ministry, as we continue to humble ourselves under His mighty hand. It is further our intention to flow with Pastor Kelly and Tina to minister to our congregation. We firmly believe God has joined us toghether with them in ministry and calling to serve this body of believers.

We believe that music and the unity that comes from anointed praise and worship will be instrumental in the revival that is fast approaching. Our intention is to train many talented musicians and technicians to respect the gift that God has given to them and work towards excellence in their given field. The music ministry of Agape should be one that ministers to both the lives of the congregation and also to the lives of the musicians and technicians involved.

. . . . . . . . . . . . David & Karen Meyerand

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Larry Richardson (Grand Strand Consolidated Ministries)

I envision the Body of Christ unifying into one body spiritually, as Jesus prayed for in John Ch. 17. I see my role as encouraging members of the Body of Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation, to communicate with each other in order to maximize the results of efforts to carry on the work of Jesus in today's world.

. . . . . . . . Larry Richardson

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Robert & Helen Russell (Faith Harbor Ministries)

As born-again, Spirit-filled servants of God, we desire to submit to His disposal all resources of life with which He has blessed us, whether talents or abilities or earthly possessions.

We acknowledge God's word as divine wisdom and our authority, and we use it as the standard by which we live and minister.

As commanded, we do the work of evangelists (II Timothy 4:5), sharing the glorious Good News of the Gospel: God's love via His son. We joyously labor in the fields, planting and watering, co-workers with the Holy Spirit to bring in the harvest.

While we have asked the Spirit to be our guide into maturity, He has instructed us to open our home to other of His laborers in the body of Christ, as a place of retreat, rest and refreshing, as well as fellowship and hospitality. We have a vision to wash present-day disciples' feet, as Jesus did the twelve (John 13), in love and himility. God has shown us the need for His ministers to be ministered to, whether via counseling, intercessory prayer, and even supplying physical needs such as transportation, food, clothing, etc.

As the measure of our faith to accomplish more for God increases, we rely even more on the Holy Spirit to lead us into other areas of minisltry. These have included teaching, working with the poor, homeless and addicted, and being avbailable wherever and whenever the need arises.

Lately the Lord has called upon us to provide church service to the home-bound brethren. This allows us to share God's Word and communion with those unable to attend church due to illness, etc.

We praise God for these and all other opportunities to serve Him by sering His people, whether in our own home, or in another's, on the street, in the sanctuary. At all times and in all places we lift up the name of Jeaus Christ. It is upon Him that we rely to enable us and to empower us to do His will so that He and He alone will be glorified.

. . . . . . . . . . . . Faith Harbor Ministries
. . . . . . . . . . . . Robert & Helen Russell

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Adrian Scoles (A.C.F. Children's Ministry)

I see Agape Christian Fellowship's Children's ministry as a multifaceted work; multifaceted as in a diamond which has many sides for facets which reflect the light making the diamond more valuable and more beautiful. Our ourtreches should reach not only into the local area, but also statewide, nationwide, and ultimately worldwide. I see A.C.F. sending teams of not only Christian children's workers, but also teams of trained, on fire, children who will minister to other children in a way adults cannot.

On the local level, I see us using many forms of media to minister both to children and teens (both are prime callings of God in my life). I see us writing, producing, and even marketing television and radio programs, using characters developed by A.C.F. staff members. I see us using puppets, clowns, and drama teams to reach the masses. To execute this, we would have several trained teams which we would swend out.

I see us using busses to bring unchurched children and teens to church en mass, not only for Sunday A.M. but also for Saturday Children's Church, special crusades and week long Bible School (especially during the summer).

I see doing a "mother's morning out" ministry, where either free or low cost care is given to children while moms take a morning off so that they may spend time with God or their spouse or just to recoup their senses.

I see us hosting special children/teen outreaches as well as inviting special guests to minister, such as ...Ron Luce, Willie George, Ken Bount, Blaine Bartel, Carmen, etc.

For our own children's church, I see us going out with "built in" stages for puppets, special effects, wall murals, special characters, lighting, etc. In short, a totally "kid friendly" environment which keeps Jesus as our one and only central focus.

I realize that all of this may take time to come to pass, but I believe that if we can see it through our eyes of faith, then we will have all we ever imagined and more. I also believe that we must aggressively pursue for God what is rightfully His, using every method we can to bring these children and young people to a full life in Jesus. If we do this, then it will not take long to fill and overflow whatever size builing we have with children and teens and ultimately, adults.

Further along, I see A.C.F. as a training center for workes with a fully accredited school and college of Christian ministry, fulfilling the command to train up a child in the way he should go and making true disciples of Jesus among those we serve.

Eventually, I believe we can have a multinational, as well as multi-cultural multi-lingual ministry sending translated material and services to the people who need them.

All of this starts first with the realization that Jesus has commissioned us. We are God's people who hae a purpose, a plan, and a vision. We realize that God's timetable is perfect and that we must allow His will to be done in order for this vision to come to pass. We also know that it is Jesus alone who can being it to pass. It should be all Jesus and none of us. He gets all the glory, even if we get zero recognition at all. Remember, it is amazing what can be accomplished if you do not mind giving up the credit for it.

Let us then, live like He is coming today for the time is indeed short until we see Him coming in glory.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In his Service, Expecting His Return,
. . Adrian Scoles
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Rosalie Scoles (A.C.F. Children's Ministry)

To add to Adrian's vision, I would like to sy on a more personal level, our hearts go out to children everywhere and to their parents. Teaching, training, and raising children is an awesome responsibility. I would like to see us have seminars on disciplining children. I would also like to see us have a parents sharing time, maybe once a quarter or monthly, where parents share feelings of discouragement, disappointment and hurt. Sharing with others helps you to realize you are not the only one with these feelings. Sharing builds a bond between parents, and eventually children, because all of the hurt feelings are out of the way. So, you can have the strength to continue to minister to your kids and at the next parents sharing time, you can share your feelings of triumph, victory and praise for what Jesus has done through praying for one another.

Our hearts also go out to children who come from divorced homes. Adrian and I graduated in 1978 and I would dare say that only 2 of the couples who were married at that time are still together. The rest, divorced. Children are the victims in divorce. They walk around with feelings of guilt. They think it is all their fault. We have a vision to see this epidemic, this horrible cancer that kills families, stopped. My personal vision for A.C.F.'s Children's Church is to teach children a big word with a big meaning. COMMITMENT. We can change the world through a child. You never know when you teach a child if you are teaching the president of the U.S. or some great world leader; your next-door neighbor or the person who will take care of you when you are old. They need to know Jesus and the meaning of the word COMMITMENT.

I see A.C.F. turning out children who know who they are in Christ Jesus. They can rightly divide the Word of Truth. They know nothing can separate them from the Love of Christ. They are NOT confused. They are not following every fad that comes by. They are not blown about by every wind of doctrine. They are not embarrassed when someone calls them goodie-two-shoes. They take that as a compliment. Instead of living by the world's standards, they have set a standard of holiness and righteousness for themselves according to God's Holy Word. They are not ashamed to witness and share Jesus with others. They are obedient - kind - tenderhearted - in love preferring one another over themselves. They do not have a proud and haughty look, they know they are pilgrims traveling through this land. They know they are not to bow their knee to sin, but if they make a mistake, they have a loving savior who forgives. They do not live under comdemnation, but they put Satan under their feet. They are victorious! They are ready and watching for the soon return of Jesus Christ.

Our vision is to reach out to all children, making them disciples of Christ, no matter what color, nationality, poor, rich, or physically handicapped, fulfilling the great commission and going into the highways and byways, compelling them to come in, until the whole world hears Jesus is Lord.

. . . . . . . . Rosalie Scoles

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