Where does one start with a quest like this? Guess I could start from the beginning.......

My family on my mothers side has been documented back to 1623 when my great great etc. etc. grandfather John Wilkins came from Wales to settle in the colony of Jamestown. This was just 11 years after the English had established there in what is now known as Virginia. The Wilkins family grew and moved to settle in Hickman County, Tennessee. I relate this part of my heritage to why I'm a fan of Celtic music and get chills from the flash of a flintlock. Something seems so familiar.

Inherited Memories

It is said that one of my great great etc. etc. grandfathers on my mothers side, married a woman of the Chickasaw Nation, but this is an avenue of my life I can't seem to get off the ground for documentation. But it must explain why I grieve over a certain way of life lost, that I never really experienced and why I'm at home in the woods, with a horse and have a spiritual nature.

Inherited Memories

I have from my fathers side Cherokee blood. I love to sit around and listen to my dad tell the stories handed down to him about them coming down the river on a flat bottom boat. I'm an experienced canoeist and feel at home on a river, the river has a spirit of its own and if one opens himself, you can feel it, sometimes melancholy, sometimes wild.

Inherited Memories

I, like everyone else in this country have had and lost relatives in the wars. Which should make one respect the veterans we still have with us. Alot of times we forget what sacrifice they gave so that we may have our freedom. We should have learned from history that no one wins at war. My great, great grandfather fought at Shiloh during the Civil War, he did survive and return home. My younger brother and sister, along with myself participate in re-enactments of this time period. Something about the smell of powder, campfires, sounds of cannons and gunfire stir feelings inside that at times have brought tears to my eyes while watching a battle.

Inherited Memories

I grew up riding horses and while young wanted to be a jockey. Except for one problem, I kept getting taller and taller. Guess I outgrew that dream, but the urge to run my horse head stretched out across a field is still with me. And I guess thats why when we (my horse and I) come to the opening of a field he gets all fired up. And I can feel my heart start to beat faster anticipating the take off. You must admit, there's nothing like feeling the thunder from a horses hoofs under you and having the wind blow your hair and make your eyes water. I get cold chills just thinking about it.

Inherited Memories