We like to do alot of riding at Land Between The Lakes. All pics here are from farious rides during the fall of 1997. This was taken off the back of "Jethro" looking out into one of the many fields there. I do believe that this was on trail #6. It had been raining and all had to put on ponchos and rain coats.

Below, is Up & Off looking like they are into some serious secret conversation. Think they were just taking time out to gander at their surroundings. It sure is pretty here. This paticular weekend, it rained HARD. Didn't bother me, I had my "Driza-bone" on. I think it's fun riding in the rain, if your imagination is good enough, you can imagine what it was like riding the trails when horses were the only transportation around. A bit of nostalgia there. This is my favorite photo of them.



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