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Brenda and I have been married for 23 years. We have one child, Anthony, who is currently finishing his second year in college. He is studying to become an Engineer, he also has an interest in web designing and I must admit, I did consult his expertise in the designing of this site. Brenda is a Registered Nurse and I, a Computer Programmer working at the Department of Ecology for the State of Washington. We both love our work. I met Brenda on my second military enlistment while I was stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia. I spent 22 years in the Army and retired as a Master Sergeant at Fort Lewis, Washington. Being outdoors people that we are, we appreciated the Northwest so much that we bought a house and decided to stay in Washington. I started this web page project roughly five years ago and took a long break from finishing it so that I could focus my attention on transitioning from the militay and into civilian life and at the same time complete a 4 year Computer Science degree with Saint Martin's College. In the interim, I have made some minor updates to this site, and now I plan on redesigning the entire layout and moving this project towards completion. As you browse through the following web pages you will see where I have incorporated a host of web programming languages such as Java, Javascript, VBScript, DHTML, and ASP. In order Java Plug-into view some of the Java applets on this web site, your web browser should be Java enabled with the client Java Plug-in, and must be updated to IE 4.0 or Netscape 3.0. Your screen resolution should be set preferably to 800x600. Also, while browsing through this site if you encounter any broken links or bugs in any of the interactive pages in any of the links, please take the time to inform me of them. If you have any suggestions on how I may improve this web site I urge you to please send me E-mail or indicate your suggestions as you fill out the comments section of the guest book. I sincerely hope that you will find this web site entertaining and beneficial in some way. Thanks for dropping by!

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