Shilo, our Alaskan Klee Kai/Pint-size Siberian. Shilo came all the way from Florida via Tennessee Sleddog Rescue (thanks Sidney!) and is a little girl at 17" and 35 lbs with a big 'attitude'. She thinks she is a big dog and spends her time telling us so! Shilo is an extremely steady worker and never stops "doing her job" when in harness. Check out the Sledding/Carting Pics showing Shilo running with the big guys - in harness her second time out and running lead! And now, at 12, is a good leader and is just as great a worker now as when she was younger.

Towman's Kalka. "Chiku", now 7 years old, showed us his first winter just what a sibe from running lines can do. From the first time in harness at 4 1/2 months old this boy was all work and no play when in front of a gig or sled. An absolute dream to watch! Chiku runs in lead and is happiest working for his dad (Bob).

Cedarpaw's Blueberry Morning. The 2002 spring addition to the pack, Blue. now 6, is also from racing/running lines. A credit to her breeder's raising, Blue announces to the world "I am here!" She is a wild one in harness and she and her brother are a beautiful pair running together.
In May, 2006 Blue was the proud and terrific mom of a beautiful litter of 5 puppies sired by NorthWapiti's What's The Buzz. In December, 2006 Blue and Buzz surprised us with another (oops) litter of 6! Blue has now been retired from breeding, although she sure gave us some great pups!

Cedarpaw's Captain Crunch. Captain is Blue's brother, a bigger, more laid back version of Blue. Running beside his sister, it's a good thing he's bigger or we'd have a hard time telling them apart - both silver/white, both with a right blue eye and a left brown. Captain has taken over Uncle Anvik's role in the pack. Easy going, looking after everyone.

Wijsman's Kaltag. Kali, at 5, is the most spoiled of them all. Somehow she has managed to sneak into the house more often than not, although she loves to play out in the yard with the big guys, especially Blue, Cap and Chiku. Kali is a hard worker in harness and the most patient dog of the bunch, although as Bob likes to point out, in her younger days she was a destroyer of trees - big trees!

Kimlan's Musher's Pride. Mush is now a 2 year old and after mastering house training, sit, shake hands (either), kisses, "hurry up"(when outside), "look in your dish", "kennel up", "off" as a pup, is now enjoying being a sled dog and learning the ommands he needs, all without bribery. No treats are needed for this exceptionally bright boy, all he wants is praise. Goooood Boy!!!!

NorthWapiti's What's The Buzz Besides being a beautiful, striking Siberian, he has a great personality and is wonderful in front of a sled. Which is not too surprising given his background which includes having a mom and dad who finished the Iditarod!
Buzz sired two beautiful litters of puppies for us late May and mid December of 2006

SnowRnr's Tug Me Home Now 2 years old, Tugger is one of Blue and Buzz's pups May '06. Gorgeous boy, has the long legs of his mom and the calm temperament of his dad. Looking like he will be a good wheel dog.

SnowRnr's Panda Reversed Also 2 years old, Panda is Tug's litter sister and, again, one of Blue and Buzz's May '06 puppies. Beautiful girl, she is like her mother, just a different colour. Panda is excellent in harness, a very steady worker.

SnowRnr's Santa's Helper "Elf"
A year old in December '07, Elf, on the left and harnessed next to his littermate, Dasher, is full brother to Tug and Panda, and one of Blue and Buzz's December '06 puppies. A beautiful boy, Elf is more like his dad in personality -pretty laid back. Elf loves to run but also likes to be an indoor dog in the evenings


Kirribilli's PoppinCorks at Cedarpaws(now at SnowRnr). Magnum joined our househould in March '07 as the "Protector of All Things" A beautiful black tri Australian Shepherd, at 2 Magnum looks out for the sibes, chickens and ducks. This past summer ('08) he took 2 courses of Agility and then changed over to Herding Classes where he has found his niche. Magnum was born to herd and he loves it. He is a wonderful companion and house dog that spends his days out playing with his buddies, the sibes and keeping watch over his domain.

Cedarpaw Eatin'Trifle at SnowRnr. Meet our newest addition, a red merle Australian Shepherd who is already giving Magnum a run for his money. Don't be taken in by her good looks, under that fine exterior is a devil!

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Special thanks to Ann Hernandez for the Running Siberians

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