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Come Stitch With Sue

Hi and welcome to my stitching page. I am a "Cross Stitch Addict". I began cross stitching 17 years ago and was addicted after my first project. I always have several projects going at any time and rotate between them so I don't get bored. I also have a box of UFO's (unfinished objects), projects that I keep saying I've got to finish one of these days. In addition to this box, I have another one full of projects I want to do but haven't had time to start yet.   I am a second year member of the Pioneer Valley Embroiderer's Guild of America and have really enjoyed being part of this group.  joined the  Several of my needlework pieces have been exhibited in our local annual handcraft fair, Craftadventure, and I have gotten several 2nd and 3rd place awards. Still waiting for that blue ribbon first place project! Since going online, I have become as addicted to surfing the web for cross stitch sites as I am to stitching. I hope to share some of the sites I've found and hope you enjoy them too. Thanks for visiting my stitch page.


Autumn Sampler I Beaded Sampler I Variegated Sampler I My Needlework Collection

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