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2safeschools Archives
Welcome to the Safe Schools archives. Some stories display best with iexplore v5.5+ or above.
Front Page
- National School Bus Fuel Data - Fall 08 - An article presents the savings school buses can provide the communities they serve. Another article presents, where would parents be without the school bus? Also included are 'back to school' and 'national school bus safety week' education materials for children and adults.
- Impact of High Fuel Prices - Summer 08 - Many school districts are facing a number of budgetary challenges, including finding ways to pay for rising fuel prices. Also included are stories covering the fuel crisis in both the US and Canada.
- Effective steps to safety - Spring 08 - 3-fold brochure for parents: "The Seven Highly Effective Steps to Keeping Your Child Safe," at the bus stop and while riding the school bus.
- Left Behind, Lost, Abandoned! - Winter 05 - The school bus 'Post-Check' for a sleeping child is one of the most important steps of a very important job.
- Capturing Kids Attention - Late Summer 05 - Ongoing rider safety training has taken on a new twist.
- You got less than 3 minutes!
- Late Summer 04 - School bus evacuation drills are an important part of student safe practices training.
- Danger: Food found on the school bus - Spring 04 - The risk of choking and the mess kids can make when eating on the school bus is probably sufficient to ban the activity. However, recent information has prompted far greater concerns than these issues.
- Prayer in public schools - Summer 03 - The 'No Child Left Behind Act' of 2001 includes a section seldom mentioned in the press that directs the U.S. Department of Education to establish guidelines for allowing classroom prayer and religous studies.
- Bullies make my school bus hell - Spring 03 - In this report Sarah, 14, from Lancashire, England, explains how bullies make her journey to and from school horrible for the rest of the pupils travelling on the school bus.
- 15-Passenger vans are not school buses!
- Summer 02 - Schools use them. Daycare centers, churches, retirement facilities, and nursing homes use them. Find out why dangerous vans are used to transport school children.
- Standees on America's School Buses - Winter 01 - Some states violate the very engineering that is supposed to help keep kids safe.
- Kids find safety in walking school bus
- Fall 01 - The Walking School Bus. A look at how this idea, promoted in Europe and Australian communities, might work in American communities.
- School bus seat belts issue may be over - Summer 01 - SafeGuard(TM) School Bus Safety Seats with lap and shoulder belts may resolve many of the issues discounting the use of seat belts on school buses
- Just another day on Bus 142 - Spring 01 - Education reporter, Joel Turner with the Roanoke Times (Virginia), spends time on the school bus with bus driver Jerry Hubbard.
- Year 2000 school bus safety reports - Winter 00 - The year 2000 came with a variety of assertions concerning the safety of children on America's school buses. Here are some of the reports and their sources.
- Death at the school bus stop - what happens, how it happens and how to prevent it - Fall 00 - 2safeschools looks at how parents and school staff can help prevent death at the school bus stop.
- Safety Recall of School Buses to Fix Brake Problems -
Summer 00 - school bus brakes problem, informing the public concerning this serious safety issue.
- Students can find safety on the roads in a school bus -
Spring 00 - Brent Batten with Florida's Naples Daily News takes on the safety advantage of kids riding Florida's school buses in a head-on collision with kids desire for independence.
- New year offers parents and school staff opportunity to focus on school bus safety - Winter 00 - The School Bus Information Council compares the safety of the school bus to kids driving cars, riding bikes and walking to school.
- Kids bus ride in Pakistan not like U.S. - Winter 99 - By Asad Ali, Writer for Pakistan Herald Publications Ltd, The Dawn Newspaper; America and Canada provide school bus service that can far exceed bus driver behavior and safety standards in other countries.
- Ride with terror jolts bus drivers - Fall 99 - By Ellen Chrismer, Staff Writer for The Modesto Bee Newspaper; As security measures make our nation's public schools a difficult target for terrorist attacks, authorities are becoming concerned about the vulnerability of the yellow school bus.
- America struggles with the school bus driver shortage - Late Summer 99 -
By Steve Hirano, Editor/Associate Publisher with Schoolbus Fleet Magazine; Parents, school staff and the press taking the time to study this article will likely find themselves equipped to have a knowledgeable conversation with other adults.
- School bus seat belts issue heating up - Summer 99 -
By Joan Lowy, Scripps Howard News Service; The last time David Burzinski saw his 9-year-old daughter Kristine alive, he kissed her goodbye as she set off to catch a bus to school. Four hours later, he identified her body at a morgue ...
- Florida school bus driver saves child's life - Spring - Summer 99 -
By Bernice Guity, The Bradenton Herald; This story demonstrates how critical driver training is to keeping kids safe.
- Boston threatens setting school policy by city ordinance - Spring 99 -
by Anthony Flint, The Boston Globe; This story demonstrates what one city might do to help insure the safety of their children.
- Two die, dozens of schoolchildren injured - Mar 99 -
by Nancy Plevin, The Santa Fe New Mexican; This story may help you ask a critical question about the buses your child rides - Is your child's bus a safe bus?
- School program sued on behalf of 3,000 parents and children - Feb 99 - Various - by Valerie Strauss; The Washington Post; this story demonstrates school districts should carefully consider value verses cost-cutting.
- Teachers and bus drivers demand help with unruly kids - Jan 99 - By Michelle Melendez and Martha Deller, The Texas Star-Telegram; Some aggressive students severely disrupt classes for the majority, and
some principals aren't helping enough...
- America's school bus drivers - struggling to provide safe ride - Dec 98 - By Jennifer Elmore, WJHG 7 News;
Almost everyday we tell you about what students are doing in local
classrooms. But what students are doing on the bus these days will shock
- Flagstaff Unified School District's troubles escalate -
Dec 98 - Various; The Flagstaff Unified School District claims it can not afford to pay a
nearly 30-Million-dollar settlement ordered for a 1996 accident...
- Free school bus safety video - Nov 98 - by James Kraemer; Excellent bus safety video and program for school and home use.
- National School Bus Safety Week - Oct. 98 - Various; Spoiled by series of bus accidents.
- Excuses won't bring a dead kid back to life - Sept 98 - By James Kraemer; A look at the escalating injuries on school buses.
Adult To Adult
- NHTSA Seatbelt Conference - SUM 07 - The government could propose safety improvements later this year - or not -
- As The Wheels Turn - SEP 05 - This column explores reasons parents must be aware their child may be practicing to author a daytime serial later in life.
- The School Bus - Feb 03 - Abundant everywhere may soon be gone. Children are facing a serious threat to their safety from something as simple as losing their bus ride to and from school.
- The School Bus Stop - Sept 02 - Child Predator Hunting Grounds? This story looks at how child predators are turning some communities into places of terror and what can be done to help end the harm predators cause.
- Pledge of Allegiance
not a prayer - Jul 02 - Confused about the Pledge of Allegiance issue in our public schools? Perhaps this story will help sort out this issue.
- Hassles on the
School Bus - May 02 - Troubles on the bus? You're not alone. Kids, Parents and Bus Drivers speak out about the hassles on the school buses.
- Are unions really needed in the public workplace? - Aug 00 - By James Kraemer. Although this commentary centers on maltreatment of school bus drivers, it can be helpful reading for other school staff and parents.
- A look at the panic of parenting
- May 00 - By Ellen Goodman, columnist for The Boston Globe. Twice weekly.
- New millennium greets school bus driver with bullet Random act of a stranger changed her life - Feb 00 - By The Virginian-Pilot.
- Michael's Death The day that changed my life forever - Jan 00 - By Barbara Young; parent of 5-year old, Michael, who died in school bus stop incident.
- Good, strong belt keeps kids in line - Oct 99 - By Andrew Herrmann; The Chicago Sun Times, Andrew Herrmann, looks at safety issues on the big yellows.
- Sticks and Stones can Break my Bones ... - Sept 99 - By Beth Bruno; Beth Bruno returns with reader feedback
about harassment in our nation's schools, "Names can really hurt us."
- Names can really hurt us. - Aug 99 - By Beth Bruno; A school psychologist with degrees from the UC Berkeley, Yeshiva and Harvard Universities, Beth Bruno, writes about harassment in our nation's schools.
- You can't tell a building by its label - June/July 99 - By James Kraemer, 2safeschools; This article is a must read before sending your child
to the friendly and accommondating public library.
- Experiences in misery - Is your child at risk? - May 99 - By James Kraemer, 2safeschools; It's gonna' take a lot of daylight before our nation's parents and school teachers are restored to their rightful posts in this nation - and back to the business of raising and educating kids.
- A Mother's Story - Feb/Mar 99 - By Mary Allen and Chesle H. Blair, Paradigm Magazine; What one mom did when the school and therapy failed her out-of-control
- When good people do bad things to good people - Jan 99 - By James Kraemer, 2safeschools; In those days kids had a lot of
adults helping them along the way to their government's historic and disgraceful conclusion.
- Violent Children: Parents and/or Society’s Responsibility? - Nov 98 - By Troy Spurlock; America In Denial - Since 1991, there have been 21 separate violent shootings by children
while on public school...
- Keeping kids safe is tough job - Oct 98 - By Eileen, Pagosa Springs, Colorado; Keeping children safe anywhere these days has to be a tough job for parents.
- How to help ease violence in our schools - Sept 98 - By James Kraemer, 2safeschools; Quick tip for parents and school staff
The Way It Was
- I ain't hankering to die yet!" - Feb 39 - By Charlotte Busby, The Yankee Teacher; "The greatest moment of my life was when every single thing was against me."
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