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AUG 2000


School Bus Pix

Safety Recall of School Buses to Fix Brake Problems

Top Priority!

What "should" be the school bus driver's top Priority?

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at login.

Although it can be argued the industry took too long to inform school districts and the public about the school bus brakes problem, they now are moving to inform the public concerning this serious safety issue.(jk)

First published by the national School Bus Information Council (SBIC), original story title, Parental/Media Advisory: On the Safety Recall of School Buses to Fix Brake Problems, Updated September 6, 2000,

School Bus Information Council
National - With schools opening around the country, the national School Bus Information Council (SBIC) wants parents to have the latest information about the school bus brake recall that is currently making news.

Parental/Media Advisory

Parents need to know these facts:

  • No school bus injuries. The safety defect involves the potential for a temporary loss of braking in some 300,000 trucks and buses, including 40,000 school buses. It may occur when the vehicle is traveling at low speed because of a failure in the antilock brake system (ABS). Importantly, there have been no reported crashes or injuries involving the school buses involved in the recall.
  • Voluntary recall. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) was notified of the brake defect and accepted a voluntary recall plan that was presented by the brake manufacturer. It is important to note that only buses that have this particular brake system - less than 10% of the national fleet - are affected.

    • Find out how to safety check a field trip bus before allowing it to depart with kids on board.
    Click Here

    • FREE School Bus Safety Video
    Click Here

    • 2SAFESCHOOLS Transportation Policy Recommendation
    Click Here

  • Minimal safety risk. All of the nation's major school bus manufacturers - AmTran, Blue Bird, and Thomas Built - are working diligently with school transportation providers to implement the recall and perform safety checks. NHTSA is monitoring this process closely.
  • Buses are still extremely safe. School buses in the U.S. travel 4.3 billion miles each year carrying 24 million children...almost always without incident. An average of 10 children are killed each year in school buses, and most of these tragedies involve very severe crash circumstances. In contrast, 600 school-age children are killed each year during normal school transportation hours while riding in a passenger vehicle other than a school bus.
  • Information for parents. Last week, independent school bus safety expert Dr. Cal LeMon issued his annual Report Card on School Bus Safety© - a state-by-state "bible" of pupil transportation information and a valuable resource for parents. LeMon says it is 87 times safer for a child to take a school bus than riding with parents or friends, or walking/bicycling to school. He argues that we increase the risks to children by unnecessarily taking them out of school buses and letting them get to and from school by a less safe mode of transportation.

South Carolina's Post & Courier investigates public education

In September 1999 The Post and Courier newspaper began a year-long, intensive look at primary and secondary education in South Carolina.

"We plan to probe the reasons that our public education system is at the bottom in national rankings, to analyze the proposed solutions and to determine whether there are realistic remedies not yet being considered in this state," said Barbara Williams, Editor, back in September.

Williams said one of their greatest resources will be the readers. She hopes to hear from South Carolinians in writing and in person as the paper travels the state trying to find answers to South Carolina's most serious and most complicated problems," Williams said.

Click Here to visit the accumulating stories, "S.C. Schools, The Learning Crisis"

The Love & Safety Club
Creator Duncan Wells
The Love & Safety Club

In-Class Safety Education Program

The Nova Scotia Children's Music & Story Production Company is offering elementary schools an innovative child safety program to help connect kids with the need to develop basic safety awareness.

Duncan Wells, creator of The Love & Safety Club In-Class Safety Education Program said, "The program is designed so teachers can have the freedom to offer creative input to the program themselves."

The Love & Safety Club is different from other safety education programs due to the fact that it uses music and a child's natural ability to commit fun words to memory in order to reinforce those basic safety skills that are important to children on a day to day basis. This program is effective, entertaining and, best of all, fun for both teachers and students, Wells said.

In order to properly conduct this fun and effective safety education program in your school a copy of the Love & Safety Club music CD or cassette recording is needed, along with enough membership cards for each child in your class. The first time purchase of these materials means, with proper care, you will never have to purchase it again. The only continued cost will be purchasing inexpensive membership cards.

For more information about the program and how to purchase The Love & Safety Club In-Class Safety Education Program Package write: Duncan Wells, The Love & Safety Club, 291 Champlain Avenue, Sydney, Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia, Canada B1P 6P9, or Click Here to visit the Love & Safety Club Web Site.

NOTE: 2safeschools does not charge producers to review and present selected and innovative safety programs. Producers of childerns' safety or bus driver training programs who would like 2safeschools to review and present your program to our membership please E-Mail 2safeschools for submission information - Subject: Safety Product.

2safeschools Connections
Webrings, discussion boards, listserves, Polls & Surveys, free newsletters and school bus safety templates. Take the grand tour ... Hundreds of teachers, classrooms and school bus drivers nationwide ready to share their web pages. You'll find a nation's worth of ideas for all grade levels.
Michael's Death
Every school bus driver should read this story whenever apathy threatens helping to keep kids safe.
Jimmy's Story
Don't leave the choice of whether your children live or die in the hands of a sexual predator!
A Mother's Story - What this mom did when the school and therapy failed her out-of-control son. Excellent reading for Parents and School Staff dealing with an out-of-control teen and nothing else has worked.
A Librarian’s Story - A 10-year veteran of the King County, (Washington State) Public Library resigned rather than carry out library policy of providing children with pornography.
How to help keep your child's school bus safe - A short article from "In Loving Memory."
The School Bus Seat Belt Issue - An in-depth look at seat belts on the big yellow buses. Plenty of helpful links at the end of this article."
Marcia's Lesson Links - This site was put together especially for teachers and parents who have a hard time navigating the web"
SNET's Internet Features Page - An excellent web site for parents and teachers, features articles relevant to the home, school and the community environment.
Top Prioriy Poll
What "should" be the school bus driver's top Priority? Note: Non 2safeschools members can participate in this poll by clicking on GUEST at login.
Seat Belts Poll
Should America's school buses be equipped with seat belts? Note: Non 2safeschools members can participate in this poll by clicking on GUEST at login
How to help keep kids safe
Tips to parents and school staff on helping to keep kids safe at school and on the schools bus.
NHTSA School Bus Safety Document Index An excellent library of School bus safety brochures, reports and activity pages - PDF format


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