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Raise kids instead of mirrors

Cline/Fay Institute

With Love
and Logic
By Jim Fay
Foster W.
Cline MD,
is available at most book stores for $18.00 (Hardback), or you can order this book through Safe Schools at the discount price of only $12.60 each. For more information about this book
Click Here

An Audio Cassette of
this book
is available through Safe Schools for only $17.47 each (List Price: $24.95).
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Here's some instructions that didn't come with your child.

As parents, you have only a few years to prepare your children for a world that requires responsibility and maturity for survival. That thought alone can send shivers down your spine.

Cline-Fay So what do you do? Hover over your kids so they never make mistakes? Drill them so they'll remember the important principles when they're on their own? Tear your hair out, wondering if teaching them responsibility is anything but a battle of wills?

According to Jim Fay, one of America's top educational consultants, and Dr. Foster Cline, a trend-setting child and adult psychiatrist, parents who try to ensure their children's success often raise unsuccessful kids. Because responsibility is like anything else - it has to be learned through practice. Kids learn the best lessons when they're given a task and allowed to make their own choices - and to fail - while the cost of failure is still small.

So, if you want to raise kids who are self-confident, motivated, and ready for the real world, take advantage of this win/win approach to parenting. Your kids will win because they'll learn responsibility and the logic of life by solving their own problems. And you'll win because you'll establish healthy control without resorting to anger, threats, nagging, or exhausting power struggles.

Your comments about this story.

Safe Schools Note: Parenting With Love and Logic, By Jim Fay (Contributor), Foster W. Cline MD, is available at most book stores for $18.00 (Hardback), or you can order this book through Safe Schools at the discount price of only $12.60 each. For more information about this book Click Here

An Audio Cassette of
this book is available through Safe Schools for only $17.47 each (List Price: $24.95).
For more information about the audio cassette version Click Here


Dave Funk, Staff Development Coordinator, New Berlin Public Schools, Wisconsin

"Parents consistently tell us they wish they had known about love and logic earlier. This common sense approach gives parents a tangible hope that they can still influence their kids."

Steven B. Vande Ven, Principal, Sherrelwood Elementary School, Denver, Colorado

"I have been a principal for four years now and have used these methods with great success. Thank you for all the creative ideas."

A reader from Houston, Texas , August 16, 1998

Oustanding guide to parenting complete with scenarios. This book offers line by line responses to common parenting issues. I saw immediate results when I implemented the dialogue on my 3 year old and 7 year old, and it was so easy! I have even taught some of the principles to my 7 year old to help her deal calmly with her little brother. It has helped diffuse a lot of the sibling rivalry. I highly recommend this book. Best of all are the Biblical references to God's plan for parents. If you want a peaceful household, get this book!

A reader from Sterling Heights, Michigan , July 23, 1998

Family in crisis, found hope and resolution in Love & Logic. My husband and I have enrolled in many parenting classes, but when our teenage daughter began getting into trouble, hanging around a different group of friends, and skipping school we didn't know what to do. Our daughter was placed in a youth home and several different treatment centers. Nothing seem to help and our family grew farther and farther apart. Finally, someone introduced us to Love & Logic. Yes, at first we thought it was just another program telling us how to feel and how not to raise our voice. We were shocked the first time we actually used the Love&Logic program on our daughter. Now we use it all the time. All parents should have the opportunity to read or view the Love&Logic Program. It saved our family, we wish we would have heard about Love&Logic before our family went into crisis. Now we tell everyone about it, we have our daughters old probation officer researching and learning about Love&Logic. Now our family communicates better,! and we are no longer in crisis. Love&Logic really works.

A reader from Virginia, USA , July 7, 1998

Humane and realistic parenting with lots of love! I have been reading parenting books for years. I read this book completely. As the adult child of an alcohol and drug councilor with 3 young children, I have taken great interest in therapy and communication techniques. I don't generally offer my opinion in reviews but I felt that this book should receive the credit that it is due. The focus of this book is to help your child to eventually become an unusually functional and mentally healthy adult. It makes a humorous, but truthful analogy of the learning patterns of very young (2 and under) children to that of dogs. It explains why, unlike a dog, children must begin to think for themselves and how to help them do that. It recognizes that some parents use corporal punishment, explains why this is sometimes effective and how to use it to the least detriment of the child, but over all discourages it and offers alternative methods of discipline. The book teaches how parents can assist instead of disrupting the child's natural process of learning. Permit a child the consequences of their own mistakes when they are young and they will learn not to make big, life changing mistakes when they are adults. Become a friend and respected confidant to your child whose opinion he respects. There are excellent, real life accounts of how to apply the techniques. Most teachers will recognize the authors names. The authors are well known and highly acclaimed in the educational field and have raised responsible, successful children themselves.

E-Mail your story

Every person has a great school or school bus story, safety story, idea, war story or "something funny happened today" story. Perhaps something for the rest of us grown-ups to think about or perhaps to affirm, encourage and support other adults.

When e-mailing please include your name, contact address and a little about yourself. If the story is controversial and you wish to remain anonymous we can often do that, depending on the story, or not print the story until it can be verified through another source.

E-mail stories to: safeschs@dnc.net.


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