Ch. Dreamwoods Cool Runnings....


Ice is pictured above with his "Auntie Deb". Ice is our first show dog and also the foundation of our kennel. A special thanks to Deb Tousey and Donna Stekli for having bred this wonderful dog. He has a fabulous temperament (gentle yet fun) and is a dream to live with.

Ice's first litter has produced FOUR champions (pictured on the following pages) and a daughter with her CGC. Both boys have been multiple group placers.

Ice has a new champion daughter, Ch. Bearkees Just Two Kühl's, Samantha. Sam is a group placing bitch and maturing into a lovely young lady. She has the wonderful "show" attitude that her father is famous for and is a natural in the ring, with several BOB's over male specials. Samatha (Sam) was bred by Carol Dishongh "Bearkees Keeshonden".

Watch for more Ice puppies coming to the rings soon thanks to Susan Morton "Timeless Keeshonden"....

Ice is a group winning/multiple group placing Keeshond. We hope his children will follow in his paw prints!