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In association with, we bring you
a bookstore full of fun, interesting
and informative games books. 
Need a book about games?  Look here!

The 10-Minute Detective :
25 Scene-Of-The Crime Puzzles
You Can Solve Yourself
by Christopher Golden
Buy the Book Today!
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Our Price: $9.60
You Save: $2.40 (20%)
Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours.

Mystery lovers and puzzle aficionados from ages 12 and up will love this intriguing
collection of "whodunits." It takes the reader across the yellow borders
of the police tape to solve 25 crimes, each illustrated by drawings
containing useful clues for the observant gumshoe.
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100 Clever Crosswords
by Thomas Joseph
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Our Price: $4.76
You Save: $1.19 (20%)
Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours.
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101 Best Family Card Games
by Alfred Sheinwold,
Myron Miller (Illustrator)
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Our Price: $4.76
You Save: $1.19 (20%)
Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours.
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52 Fun Things to Do
in the Car/Cards (1 Deck)
by Lynn Gordon,
Susan Synarski (Illustrator)
Buy the Book Today!
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Our Price: $5.56
You Save: $1.39 (20%)
Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours.
Reading level:Ages 4-8
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52 Fun Things to Do
on the Plane (52 Series)
by Lynn Gordon
Buy the Book Today!
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Our Price: $5.56
You Save: $1.39 (20%)
Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours.
Reading level:Ages 4-8
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52 Fun Party Activities
for Grown-Ups
by Lynn Gordon
Buy the Book Today!
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Our Price: $5.56
You Save:$1.39 (20%)
Availability:This title usually ships within 24 hours.
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Best Birthday Party
Game Book
by Bruce Lansky (Editor)
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Our Price: $3.16
You Save: $0.79 (20%)
Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours.
Reading level: Ages 4-8
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60 Super Simple Travel Games
by Jill Smolinski,
Leo Abbett(Illustrator)
Buy the Book Today!
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Our Price: $5.56
You Save: $1.39 (20%)
Availability: This title usually ships within 2-3 days.
Reading level: Ages 9-12

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