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CharShe is a combination of Charles & Sherry
It is a business name we have used since 1968
Chuck  in the Navy in Hong Kong in 1959
Chuck & Sherry's
36th Wedding Anniversary
Sherry was born in Coeta, Oklahoma 08/14/1944 and was separated from her familly at age of 3.  She was adopted several times between 3 and 6 yrs of age.  Finally an adoption stuck.  She was raised on a ranch in Lookeba, Oklahoma.  Sherry met chuck when she was in her first 1/2 year  of Collage at 18 yrs old.    She said it was love at first sight.  Chuck asked her to marry him 2 weeks later.  Because Sherry's folk were so set against the marrieage she elpoed wit Chuck to Witchita Falls, Texas and got married October 10, 1962.  Sherry's parents would not speak to her for 6 months.  The first Christmas on a bus trip to Bay City, Texas to meet Chuck's family Sherry go toemain poisoning.
Chuck was born on a farm in Akron, Iowa 12/26/1939.  He was raised there till he was 10.  His folks finally settled in bay City, Texas and he lived there till he was 18.  He joined the Navy to see the world.  He traveles over 1/2 of the world in the Navy.  Chuck returned to civilian life in 1960 and attented business college.  In Chuck's next move he moved to Oklahoma City and became the assistant manager of a 1st run theatre.  While working there he met Sherry and 3 months later they eloped. on October 10, 1962.  Chuck was 22 yrs old at that time.   Chuck then went to work as a booker  of motion pictures for Metro Goldyn Meyer and settled down in married life bliss.  We tried to start a family right away but do to medical problem Sherry had she could not get pregnant until two years later.  I quit the movie business and we moved to Bay City, Texas for our 1st child to be born.  Sherry's folks hated me because i was not good enough for their daughter and i was Catholic so we rarely spoke.  I was the first Catholic in their whole family history. 
Chuck & Sherry's
2nd Wedding Anniversary

Twin Falls of Yosemite  National Park.  Painted by Chuck two and one half months after he started painting in 1996
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Just a few photo's of Florida for your enjoyment.  We hope you enjoy them!