Puppy Gallery

Puppy Play Group
Puppy Play Group
Puppy Play Group - Scottie and Sealyham puppies
Scottie and Sealyham puppies.
2 litters taking a nap.
2 Litters taking a Nap
Pups feeding
Zoe and her 3 puppies
Billie, Satchmo and Oswald
4 pups sleeping 5th pup sitting watching the photo being taken.
Huwwo, Watcha lookin at?
Sealyham playing in water bowl with 2 scottie pups looking on.
Told ya we shoulda had a drink first!!
Cara paying in her own water bowl.
Not making the same mistake they did!!
Checking out Dad's dinner leftovers
Ya know we can help ya clean ya plate Dad,
we can, we can.
destinylooking down on the world.
OI.. You down there... Look at me!!


This page is Copyright © 1998-2008
Last revision: October 2008
Page Design by PamJam