Message from FIFe World Cat Show in Poznan, Poland
14. and 15. March, 1998
Number of exhibitioned cats: 500 cats
Britt-Hagar Alvestad-Norwege, Karin Bjuran-Norwege, Jitka Kytlerova-Czech Republic, MVDr. Mahelkova-Czech Republic,
Ing Boh. Mahelka, CSc.-Czech Republic, Margarete Leleithner-Deutschland, Aase Nissen-Danmark,
Heinz Gunther Scholer-Belgium,
Waltraut Sattler-Deutschland, Annette Sjodin-Sweden, Kate Stierncreutz-Finland, Alva Udin-Sweden
Both show halls were commodious, light and very comfortable
Judges are ready for Best in show
Judge Mrs. Stierncreutz is deciding for nomination to Best in show
between exotic brown tabby male GICh. Baccara von Vitus (o/b Mr Hofer, Austria) and
cream persian male GICh. Shalimar Cream Camry PL of Aglaos (b: J.Rasala, Poland), o: J.Krepl, Czech Republic)
Decide for nomination to Best in show: GICh. Shalimar Cream Camry PL of Aglaos
Exotic blue tabby female Diana von Vitus (b/o: Mr Hofer, Austria)
nomination for Best in show - kitten
Brown tabby spotted exotic cat from Vitus cattery (b/o: Mr Hofer, Austria)
Persian male Matador van Iwanda - World Winner 1998 - kitten (o: van Peer de Jong, Holland)
Artemis Lucky Strike - black van male (b: J. Warden, Pennsylvania, o: Z. Lachowska, Poland)
EuroCh. Shalimar Cream Camry PL of Aglaos - nomination cream male
(b: J. Rasala, Poland, o: J. Krepl, Czech Republic)