Welcome to my Guestbook!

Richard Rigney - 08/05/00 14:54:05
My URL:http://member.surfsouth.com/~rigney11/Heaven.htm
My Email:rigney11@surfsouth.com
Age: 33
Male/Female: Male
State or Country: USA

I just wanted to let you know,, fisrt you have a nice page. There seems to be a problem with the alignment of it when viewed at 800x600 on Internet Explorer. Some of the words carry over to the far left hand margin. I am not sure how much you know about HTML, that is easily fixed. Take care and God Bless.

Matt - 03/11/00 21:49:05
My URL:http://geocities.com/saviourmachine2/
My Email:saviourmachine27@hotmail.com
Age: 19
Male/Female: Male
State or Country: CO
Favorite Chatroom: none really
Favorite Singing Group: Five Iron Frenzy
Favorite Verse: Phi: 4,13

You have a very nice site. God Bless <><

Pneumaman - 01/27/00 03:13:32


Thank you for an enjoyable visit. You have a wonderful site! Come and visit us when you can.

Scotty - 01/21/00 17:47:10
My URL:http://pub4.ezboard.com/bgraceplacemessageboards.html
My Email:Freedompages@aol.com
Age: 42
Male/Female: male
Favorite Verse: John 3:16

Praise Jesus

County Line Baptist Church - 01/20/00 15:41:44
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~pfpf/c-corporate/clbc.html
My Email:pfpf@earthlink.net
State or Country: Texas

A very insightful Web page, we enjoyed it very much.

Joanne Miller - 10/22/99 22:39:34
My URL:http://jobevmiller.tripod.com
State or Country: Canada
Favorite Singing Group: Take 6
Favorite Verse: Psalm 16:11

Thank you for all the great links! And for the beautiful poem about walking with God. God bless you as you witness for Him on the Web.

Joel Morrison - 10/12/99 05:32:28
My Email:jsmm@lisco.com
Age: 27
Male/Female: Male
State or Country: Iowa

I've just recently purchased a computer and am new at "surfing the web" and am looking for a nice chatroom that will put me in touch with christians around the world.

Hans Erich Myors - 10/09/99 17:43:22
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
State or Country: Georgia, USA
Favorite Verse: James 2:14-26

Shalom from a fellow member of the Christian Web Ring.

Melissa - 08/20/99 21:30:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/duckylovesjesus
My Email:merrymelissa@hotmail.com
Age: 18
Male/Female: female
State or Country: minnesota
Favorite Chatroom: christianchat.com
Favorite Singing Group: Audience of One www.audienceofone.com or Sonic Flood
Favorite Verse: Hebrews 12:1-3

hi. Wonderful page!! I really like your guestbook. And i love the picture of Jesus on the main page. I got here thru the christian webring. Stick with Jesus, He is truely everything! melissa

Kris Pittman - 06/08/99 20:04:52
My URL:http://i have no clue.com
My Email:doubtingtom@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Male/Female: male
State or Country: Oklahoma
Favorite Chatroom: The park chat
Favorite Singing Group: Five Iron Frenzy
Favorite Verse: Luke 9:62 & Matt. 7:13

This is an awesome homepage. You can see christ in action in your life. Praise God for all the little things in life! Keep smiling and keep fighting! Never give in, give up, or sell out! Remember the race unto which you were called. A brother by grace & fellow jedi in Christ! KRIS

Billy - 06/04/99 19:38:46
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Estates/5372/
Age: 45
Male/Female: Male
State or Country: Georgia
Favorite Chatroom: Don't do the "chatty" thing... :o(
Favorite Singing Group: This week?
Favorite Verse: Hmmm, Let's just start with Romans 8

Hey, David! Just visiting some of my neighbors on The Christian WebRing and found you had moved in... Welcome to the neighborhood... I enjoyed my visit with you. Wonderful work on sharing The Good News! Come by and visit sometime, God Bless!

Carter Foley - 04/06/99 23:17:38
My URL:http://www.glinx.com/~cfoley/
My Email:cfoley@glinx.com
Age: 40
Male/Female: male
State or Country: Canada
Favorite Chatroom: Christianroom Efnet
Favorite Singing Group: Dallas Holms
Favorite Verse: 2Corinthians 4:6

Hi Nice webpage really like your background. I found your webpage through The Christian Webring. You have a lot of great links. Please stop by and see my webpage. take care and God bless

marybeth - 03/11/99 00:09:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/3517/page1.html
My Email:the_manager@email.com
Age: 38
Male/Female: female
State or Country: USA
Favorite Chatroom: the one at Penpal Palace
Favorite Singing Group: All4one and Boyz2men
Favorite Verse: to many to mention just one

Hi, I found your page very inspirational. I love it . It was a joy to be here. Thanks!

Dennis Fletcher - 12/09/98 15:35:35
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/heartland/acres/8894
My Email:dfletcher@geocities.com
Age: 28
Male/Female: Male
State or Country: Maryland
Favorite Verse: Revelation 20:7-15

Great site, keep it up.

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