Michael Alyxander Noell was born on October 26, 1995 in Hannibal, Missouri. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 6 oz., and was 19" long. He was welcomed into the world by his loving parents, Ric & Jimmie, and his adoring maternal grandparents, Susan & Randy Strube.
Michael has always been a very affectionate and giving person. His very first Christmas he gave his parents the most wonderful gift he could: he slept through the night! Not bad, for a two-month-old!
At 1-and-a-half years old, Michael could identify all the letters of the alphabet and all of the numbers. He still likes to identify them when we're out & about, and can identify certain words by sight, including "Sears", "California", "Michael", and "Star Trek"! (I'm VERY proud of that last one!)
Michael adores his two sisters! He enjoys tickle fights with his "Big Sissy", and loves to touch & kiss his "Baby Sissy"!
He is proving to be a wonderfully loving and protective big brother to Sarah. One evening, I was sitting in my chair feeding the baby and Michael was seated on the floor watching TV. He glanced over at Sarah's swing, and was panic-stricken to see it was empty. He jumped to his feet, spun around toward me an yelled," WHERE'S THE BABY?!" and began crying hysterically! I showed him that she was in my arms eating, and it still took him nearly five minutes to calm down! He stood next to the chair, holding Sarah's foot, for the next 20 minutes, and checked on her every 10 minutes after that! Now, whenever she's in her swing & starts fussing, he runs over to her and tries to give her the "Binky" (pacifier). Such a sweet boy!
In every respect, Michael is a perfectly normal, healthy, happy boy! His appetite is growing rapidly, as is the rest of him! He loves to dance and watch kids' shows on TV, and watching Star Trek with his Daddy! His charming smile and gorgeous eyes tell me he's going to be NOTHING but TROUBLE! But, that's my boy!
"Linus & Lucy'" by Vince Guaraldi |