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Evan was born March 19, 1997. He weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz., and was a tall 19 1/2 inches.
3/31/97 Allan Russell from Adoption By Choice in Tampa, Florida, introduced us to our new son. We named him Evan Marcus Anderson. He was 13 days old, and weighed about 6 1/2 pounds, and was simply beautiful.
3/31 We spent our first week as a family of four at the Embassy Suites hotel in Tampa. Here's Evan with mom, Lorie, dad, Curt, and (much) older sister, Tara.
4/20 Friends at Darex, Curt's workplace, arranged a welcome home party when Evan was one month old. About 130 friends came to meet him and shower him with gifts.
5/19 Two months old already!
5/28 With mom, cheek to cheek.
6/17 Family portrait at 3 months old.
6/17 Our three month old little man.
7/13 Evan's smile brightens the day.
8/2 With cousin Seth while vacationing at Martha's Vineyard.
8/29 Wild about his pop-up toy, and good at it too.
9/24 This photo speaks for itself.
10/31 Happy Halloween, with Tara.
11/11 Evan could stand on his own now.
11/15 Crazy about bathtime.
12/19 Nine months old today.
12/25 Happy Holidays.
1/17/98 And, now he can take several steps across the room. "Watch out everyone, here I come!"
2/7 Aunt Fran came to visit us from the east coast.
3/6 A handsome young man at rest after a hearty meal.
3/19 Our friend Ithaca gave Evan a lift at his birthday party.
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