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The Evan Story

CLICK here to read Evan's adoption story written for him by his mommy.

CLICK here to jump to Evan's second year in pictures.

Evan was born March 19, 1997. He weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz., and was a tall 19 1/2 inches.

3/31/97 Allan Russell from Adoption By Choice in Tampa, Florida, introduced us to our new son. We named him Evan Marcus Anderson. He was 13 days old, and weighed about 6 1/2 pounds, and was simply beautiful.

3/31 We spent our first week as a family of four at the Embassy Suites hotel in Tampa. Here's Evan with mom, Lorie, dad, Curt, and (much) older sister, Tara.

4/20 Friends at Darex, Curt's workplace, arranged a welcome home party when Evan was one month old. About 130 friends came to meet him and shower him with gifts.

5/19 Two months old already!

5/28 With mom, cheek to cheek.

6/17 Family portrait at 3 months old.

6/17 Our three month old little man.

7/13 Evan's smile brightens the day.

8/2 With cousin Seth while vacationing at Martha's Vineyard.

8/29 Wild about his pop-up toy, and good at it too.

9/24 This photo speaks for itself.

10/31 Happy Halloween, with Tara.

11/11 Evan could stand on his own now.

11/15 Crazy about bathtime.

12/19 Nine months old today.

12/25 Happy Holidays.

1/17/98 And, now he can take several steps across the room. "Watch out everyone, here I come!"

2/7 Aunt Fran came to visit us from the east coast.

3/6 A handsome young man at rest after a hearty meal.

3/19 Our friend Ithaca gave Evan a lift at his birthday party.


CLICK here to jump to Evan's second year in pictures.

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