After a wet spring and summer and then a winter of constant snow the main wall of the waterfall bugled out very noticably and necessitated swift action to repair it. Neil and a friend of ours Mauri Barry started working on Friday April 27th. They had already removed dirt from behind this section of wall and were in the process of tapping rocks back into place when gravel from behind started falling out and rocks started heaving and finally the whole section collapsed. There was a moment of silence. Could this be for the best? Well, actually it probably was. The earthen shelf had slid down and lost it's integrity in this area (the whole hillside is sandy soil) so now we had the opportunity to reinforce the base and Neil had the idea to support the long back wall by adding a wall across the pond. We are making this small area to the right into a bog garden. April 30, 2001...the wall is finished. We still need to make the bog garden and plant a new shrub at the top but as you can see from the last two pictures (taken at night) the water doth flowth again.

Click on each thumbnail to see a larger version.