More Information On the Bailey Ancestors

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Biographical Information


  • Arthur Perry Bailey - Arthur Perry Bailey and two of his children, Woodrow and Buster. This was taken from a group family picture with all their children except for Lula Iona who was not born yet. This picture is estimated to have been taken sometime between 1913 and 1916. Buster (on the right) is said to have crawled up on Vivian's lap when he was little (somewhere between two and three) and said "Mama, Bussy gonna die and go to Heaven." Within the next week or two he did die.

  • William Louis McCarrell - see some pictures in the bios on him and his wife, Lula Iona (Bailey) McCarrell. And with his family.

  • Pearl Bailey


Surname Information

Other Contacts

  • Dave Rader descendant of SAMUEL and MILLIE (ELLEFRITZ) BAILEY and ERASTUS KIDDER. Check out his web page at:

  • Roger McCarrell descendant of Albert and Vivian (KIDDER) BAILEY

  • Alvin Bailey descendant of George Zenas BAILEY (son of Albert).

  • Jim Bailey descendant of Austin BAILEY.

  • Evelyn Thomas descendant of Arthur BAILEY and Erastus KIDDER and DAWSON

  • Brian Bailey decendant of Ernest Leroy Bailey, son of Albert Erastis and Edith Matiilda Herman, married Ella Mae Jacobs (Sabol--don't list this former married name please!) Ernest adopted legally, Cynthia Esther Sabol Bailey (b. Oct. 13, 1947), begat Brian Ernest Bailey (ME)

  • Audrey L. Zirbel is a descendant of Arthur BAILEY and can be contacted by writing RR02 Box 1140, Wister, OK 74966-9530.