Yeah, that's a pix of me and my Hubbie. It was taken on New Year's Eve. It was a brand new year for the two of us. We had some good times at the Laotion New Year Party although he was drunk. I didn't mind taking care of him b/c I love him. He's that someone special to me. I don't know what it would be like without him by myside. I treasure every moment spent with him. It has been 1 year and 7 months since we been together but 4 years of knowing each other. We both still have all those letters and phone cards used throughout those 4 years. They really mean a lot to me b/c that's what kept us close. I'll always love you.
If love is a question, My answer is "yes"
If you are my tomorrow, May I love you no less
If eternity is ours, May I share it with you
If our time is now, Let us share that too!
If the mountain is too high,
Let`s climb it we may live on now and forever
May the heart of the sun Burn our love
May the moon shines over our passion
May the rain from the sky
Wash our troubles away, and the tears that may fall
We will leave them behind
And keep on loving each other until the End of Time.